Porr taun Efesusn gutnius ptha nuhasmo yuhat
1 Apolosr Korint tohmohat Porr afo yuhre yura kminy-sofroh kmimn afo fauhnamor. Ktone Efesus mifnahmor. Efesusn Kristen yimam mihtimor.
2 Mihtihato kfo ttiwon memorm, “Niko Jisasr hik-wohate Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothat mthu nawohwotkome nhai?” Kfo memomr, “Nom nhai mekahnom Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothat korhwot.”
3 Tfit Porr ttiwon memorm, “Tone fitohtet baftais niko yekwako?” Kfo memomr, “Nom yekwa baftais Jonrhu baftaiskfot kekwonom.”
4 Tfit Porr kekutnihato kfo memorm, “Jonr tohmo yiham, yimam baftaisim-moahat kfo memourm, ‘Yimako kangko baftais ayaknom, afo fasoh nefm mong trohhato ee btn baftais yakkfot. Baftais yakhato nd nanhu mong yuhat niewa yimar nikmoh bro dukefm htakfot.’ Nd Jonr kfomo yimar Jisasrn kfomor.”
5 Nd yimam inji wanyhato Jisasrhu yufatpno baftais fakmom.
6 Porr mfham tir htamotrm Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothat mithu nawohmotm. Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothat mithu nawohmottm nd yimam tfit nfri nfri yarmumat ptha hanymom. Bro Nkifrar mrokfo ptha rifhur hi hanymoatrm turhu mrokfot kfo ptha nuhas bonuhasmoumm wom yimam.
7 Nd Yafothat thu nawohmo yimam ka 12-pela yimam.
8 Porr Judaroh rhu rifinyuk rmont yihato mfro mfro gutniuskfot kfo ptha nuhas bonuhasmourm. Judampno rhu pthahato kfo nuhas bonuhasmour Bro Nkifrarhu kingdomkfot. Husfirpa yamm Judampno rhuhato kfo nuhas bonuhasmorm.
9 Nd husfirpa yamm Judampno tohhato Porr mrokfom kfo nuhasmoahat womm nhai wany yindhorrmoamm. Fasoh nambur yima yuhumpno fasoh kfo bebmomm nd Bro Nkifrarhu yuham. Be inji namotm Porri Jisasr hikwa yimam nhai tfit marimom tfit Judaroh rmont yirahnom. Nhai mif. Yiha yiha tfit Tiranusrhu skuryuk kunyr yihato ndha mrokfom naptha nhtamoum.
10 Be inji na hanysn inji na hanysn hus gunyjimf kur spohmof. Porr inji hingrnahato Esia profinsroh Judami Grikm Brorhu mrokfot rpat wany bugamomt.
Sefarhu yonm memom, “Tek yarh fknayet yimaroh yarhm ayak thunomm.”
11 Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothat Porr mithu nawohhato nd mirakerkfom hingrna-moatrm yimam hti bugamoumm.
12 Wom yimaroh dbohnefm yak marnyamoahat inji htimoum. Porr yak gbet hangisifm yaknihato nd dbohnet yimam mhemoahat, dbohnefm thu trohmoumm. Kmi yarh tek yarh fknayetm nhaf nd Porr yak gbet hangisifm mhemoahat, yarhm thu trohmoumm.
13 Wom Judam kmi kmim yau htfashato kmi yarh tek yarh fknayet yimaroh yarhm yak thu htfasmoam, duka memom, “Afo anhombranom Jisasrhu yufat yuta nawohhato yarh yak thuneft.” Kfo memoum, “Porr kfo ptha htfaswa yima Jisasrhu yufatpno nom kfiwonom nd yarhn wathu trohnt mett o yindarir.”
14 Judaroh prisroh tohak yimar Sefarhu 7-pela yindar yonmn inji hingrnamoum.
15 Wom yiha wom yimarhu tek yarhr memom ayak thunomr, ka wom yarhr kfo ptha memor, “Na Porri Jisasr tawisafwanf. To nikone froheko?”
16 Wo, ka nd yimar rom yarh yak thu hasomor sinyahato nd yimam srfa bosrfaknimorm. Nhai tfit marimom, “Tfit tohhato tatrahnomr.” Nhai. Rorrpar tohhato fe noh bonohafmotrm fhutikmpno sfno rmontha duhatm fakrme tubatumom.
17 Nd kmi Efesus tohmo Judami Grikm inji wanyhato bro yakrme rifhur yakhato Bro Jisasrhu yufat yura yura htamom.
18 Bok yimam bi Jisasr hiketm yima rifinyrn niahnahato rom nayuk fasoh nefm kfo nriyafmomm.
19 Bok met yindarim for bi singm wandfet gonborngm tafont kandhi wurasoh bugamomm. Nd gonborngroh marufam thomnamohat 50,000 kiniakfet gonborngm kandhi-mom.
20 Inji nahato Brorhu mrokfot mtoh nnuhaknihato nhai tfit suhrmot.
Efesus thofm
21 Porr htimort Brorhu hingrneft, mrokfot, bi hifa hifa bi kakitoh bmtewumte dukamor nd kmi Efesus htanyneft. Porrhu dukeft dukamor, Masedonia, Akaia, nd nd profins yuhat yihato Jerusalemko mifnahneft. Kfo memor, “Nd nd kmim tohni hany tfit Romko yihato nd kmit htini hanyruhant.”
22 To be hus yimaf, Timoti Erastusrof kfo tkrurmotr rofn bi Masedoniako tohak hanymof. Porr afo Esia profinsn afo dfik yiham tohmor.
23 Tot nd yiharn yimam faso faso kfo rindho borindhomom Jisasrhu hikneft.
24 Wom yimar tohmour, rorhu yufat Demitriusr. Nd yimar silva tahiye wonk wonk shrkar hingrnamourr. Efesusroh nkifra tahi Artemis tohmoa rmont Demitriusrn tfit nd silva tahiye habhi rmonenm hingrna hta nhombramourm. Bok yimam nd hingrneft hingrna hemoamrn bok marut fakmoum.
25 To be nd yimami wom nndoh yimam wom nndoh shrm hingrna tafsetm Demitriusr rpat yak nhafohmormn kfo memorm, “Bar yimako nom yekwa bro marut nom hingrnewa hingrna yuhatn bro marut niewut.
26 To nd yima Porr be tu yonmar yima rifhur faso kfo hta mmo bamumiwurm. Nd na kfiwat bi tuko htihato wanyeteko. Nd neft nhai be Efesusrpat nakahr. Nhai. Yuht Esia profins inji kak hamumiwurm. Kmi kmim kfo kangrm nom yimanom hingrnewa tahi yifonm nhai yafotha duhatem.
27 Mirahko ka nd Porr yi tuta mrokfot ka nmoh bisnis hingrnefthu yufat ka wom yufett rhurfot, be tu nhai mif. Rorhu mrokfotn yak nohrfottt be yufat minohnirfot. Yo mirahko ka ndrpat, nhai tahi Artemis tohwa rmont be inji kuny furam kanjo htirfomt nhai bro dukefm nd rmont htarfotmt. Afo Esiat tohyuk kmi kmim nda yuhut bbinysofthu kmi kmim afo tahi Artemis fakitoh hnamom, Porr hatone habriwa mrokfotn yak nnarirottm be bi mhti nnarsewumt tahi Artemis.”
28 Nd mrokfot inji wanyhato nd toh rifinymo yimam wanambur het sinyahato kfo memom, “Nom Efesus thofnmoh Artemisn tot tu yafothet nkifra tahis.”
29 Nd yiha nd taun Efesus nhai yima mrokfom wanyrmom. Kmi yuhtt nadidarmot. Nd het grha hasoyuk yima rifhur teh tmbho fnah bro rifiny swirrpar mirifinymom. Gaius Aristakusrof Masedonia thoff to Porrpno rpat kmi kmi rpat yi htfas-moum. Rof yakmomf nd rifiny swirrn hanymomf.
30 Porr memor, “Nd yima rifiny buhar afknekahann rpat ainyom,” tfit Kristenmn kfo rafomomr.
31 Esia gafmanrhu wom bro yufet yimam Porrpno niyak marnyamoum. Romn mrokfot htafmomt. Kfo memom, “Mirahr Porr nd bro rifiny swirt amfnaha.”
32 Nd bro rifiny swirr yi mirifinyuk yimam nhai mrokfom nawany nawanyrmom. Womm rom nndo waptha hanyswako, womm rom nhaf nndo waptha hanyswako. Be tu nhai yima mrokfom nawanykfot. Nndo gobis ndha nfehimmot. Nhai wom yimar tawisafrmort nd rom rifinymo yuhathu mnat.
33 Judam hti batihato Areksendar kfo tkrur memomr, “Ni rifiny buhar waikahnn afo wafrhikaknt mrokfo mna yuhat.” Areksendar rim wany hikakhato memor, “Yura mtohhato ptharuha.” Yuhre tirm yura htahato memor, “Ptharuha.”
34 Nd rifinymo yimam bi hti nhta memom, “Arr Juda thofer.” Be ndnat tu mfro mfro rpatn tng rihar kfo memoum, “Artemis tu bro yafothet tahiyet! Artemis tu bro yafothet tahiyet!” Be nd mrokforpat kfo hany kfo hany be 2 auakfot yohnemot.
35 Kto Efesushu kuskusr wasinyahato fak thfamorm. Yak thfanihato kfo memorm, “Niko be nndo nunga mafmham kanjo pthiwuko. Kmi kmim bi htihnamomt Artemis tohyuk rmont. Nd yura moun yuhat yawihnamo hnaru tahis nda kmi Efesus thofm kakitohwomt.
36 Nhai wom fitoh kmi thofrn riyak htafruhatrt. Ndnettn niko be nhowi afo rhukfot. Mirahko be nikomn bmbri bmbri finji ananom.
37 Niko nda hus yimaf nda rifiny swirt hnehat nhai wom tamoh nefm narfotf hnarfokomf. Nhai nmoh rmonthu tamohmn yak rikohrfof o nhai nmoh nkifra tahi Artemis faso faso riyuta ayutarfoft.
38 Demitriusri rorhu hingrna yimam wom mrokfom korhwom wom yimarpno, kot yiharn mejistretmpno yihato nd mrokfom nafrhikakkfot. Nafrhikakhato nayak dbhofnakfot.
39 Wom mrokfom rhuneft tuko rhu rifinyhato yak nohrfokomm. Inji naneft gafmanr htihato yindhorrfor.
40 To nd nom hrek marr nefi neft nhai tu dborioh neft narfonom. Mrokfo mna yuhat wany hik marnya duha asha be het fura bofurenom. Gafmanr ahtirt nd nom nefi neft finji kforfonom?”
41 Nd mrokfefm ptha buganimormn be tuhan yindars kfomotrm natubatu-nimom.