Mirahko womroh tohefm o nefm htihato akfo nhta ayak nhtanomm
(Luk 6.37-38 yo 6.41-42)
1 Jisasr kfo memor, “Mirahn womroh nefm htihato ayak nhtakahann akfo ameya, ‘Nd nd yimam ndhtet ndhtet yimayem.’ Bro Nkifrar inji yak nhtarahrn, yima inji nayetn.
2 Womroh nefm o tohefm htihato kfo nhtarahnm o yak nhtarahnm, tawo Bro Nkifrar kfo nhtarahrn o yak nhtarahrn. Womm finji finji kahuknm, tawo inji hirahmn. Womm he hmarsirahnm, tawo Bro Nkifrarko he hmarsirahrn.
3 Tamohmpno womroh nyingam rhuyuk krpum yamuka, ayak thuhiyanm? Ka nhai hti dukakahnt tunhu nyingatikt hta rafiwa dohta mkut?
4 Nd dohta mkut ninhu nyingatikt yuhre yak thu duha, to tfit tamohmpno yamuka, ‘Yinowe, kanga ninhu nyingar yorhwa krpur ayak thuhanr.’
5 Be tunhu nefm kak wuna bowunewun. Afo tunhu dohta mkut riyak htafhato ee btn rhuhato ninhu yinowemrhu nyingar rhuyuk krpur hti marnyahato yak thurahnr.
6 Mirahn bi Bro Nkifrarhu yufatpno htafet shrm yakhato tfit yaumn wahiyafoya. Wahiyaforahnm, to kanga kekuthato tfit wasrahmn. Yo mirahn dborioh dborioh tngany mohm yakhato fohmn wahiyafoya. Wahiyaforahnm, to kanga tfit wuraye yahot tmbho botmbhorahmm.”
Bro Nkifrarpno kfo bruttna ttiwonkfot
(Luk 11.9-13)
7 Jisasr kfo memor, “Bro Nkifrarpno kfo bruttnahato kfo ttiwonrahko, hirahrko. Yak hambro hanyrahko, mhtirahko. Mkrohnarahko, yifhatikt tfanyrahrt.
8 Froh froh yimam yihato mkfo bruttna kfo ttiwonrahm, ee hirahrm. Yimam yak hambrorahm, ee mhtirahm. Yo yimam mkrohnarahm, ee kekuthato htiruharmn yifhatikt yak tfanyakrahrm.
9 Wom yonr nuwat tndaurfohat, ka yifemr tahis yakhato tahis wathu nhehaforforr? Nhai inji narfotr.
10 O yonr yirar tndaurfohat, ka yifemr nandomt yakhato nandomtn wathu nhehaforforr? Nhai inji narfotr.
11 Niko, fasoh fasoh net yimako, yinem yonm tamohm kfo tndauneft yakhato kahukwokomm. Nd yuhatn to nikmoh tu Bro Yifemrko he mifrahrko niko tamohm dukahato kfo bruttnaneft.
12 Kangko, womm ayak marnyamnome, barkofpam afo niko sinyahato womm yak marnyakfot. Ndhtet neft Mosesrhu boririfhut yo profetroh mrokfom kak hikwot.”
Habhi yihota yuhatn riwitakfot
(Luk 13.24)
13 Jisasr wom mrokfot kfo memor, “Habhi yihotar yiyet yihotarhu riwita yuhat habhiyet. Nd yuhatn riwitakfot. Helko yiyet yihotarhu riwita yuhat bro mifet. Hmbrohnat yorhwatt, bok yimam be nd yuhatn tone dukekwom.
14 Mtoh nkifraniyuk kmit yiyet yihotathu riwita yuhat habhitn hti mumiwumt. Rpa rpa yimarpam htitamtn nd yuhat riwitewum.”
Yo! Giaman profetm hti dukak hanykfot
(Luk 6.43-44 yo 13.25-27)
15 Jisasr tfit wom mrofkot kfo memor, “Yo! Niko giaman profetm hti dukak hanykfot. Nd giaman profetm yimampno yihato yima yuhum mtadborha nhehwomm. Rom pthayuk tok profet mrokfom mirahko ka kto tfit yafothetm korhm. Nhai. Be niko mfrnhehwom. Rom niewohat briahako sifsifroh that kasinyewum. Yiro yima rifhum yifako tohwa yauroh nefm tohwomm.
16 Wom yimar kangn, ahtiyanr ndr tamohtet yimayer, htikfot rorhu nayuk nefmn. Wain yukham nhai hig toftn hirkahtm yimam yakkahmm. Nhai. Yo fik yukham nhaf, nhai mitaku tamentn hirkahtm yakkahmm. Nhai.
17 Nd yuhatn htirahnm, dborioh nnariyet nnar siham nhai nnarikahm. Fasoh nnariyet nnar siham rroh yukham nnariwom.
18 Dborioh nnar siham nhai fasoh nnariyet nnariham hirkahm. Yo fasoh nnariyet nnar siham nhai ye marnyet nnariham hirkahm.
19 Fasoh nnariyet nnariham hiret nnari siham yoh thuhato kaht kandhi thuwomm.
20 Ndnettn nd giaman profetroh nefm, nd nnar siham ye nhombra ttiwonwa kanjo rroh nefmn yak nhombra hti nhombrakfot.
21 To mirahko duka amanyom, ka met yindarim nanhu yufat yutahato kfo yamukam, ‘Bro Nungothet Jisase, Bro Nungothet Jisase,’ ka inji naku kfet yimamn yirahm hefenrhu kingdomkfot. Nhai. Fitoh metm o yindarim nanhu Yifemrhu dukefrko hikmr, tom nd yimarpamn yi tohrahm.
22 Bro kotkfot yakitohruha yihart bok yimam kot tohhato kfo mirahma, ‘Bro Nungothet Jisase, Bro Nungothet Jisase, nom ninhu yufat kfo yutahato Bro Nkifrarhu mrokfom ptha nuhasmounom. Yo kmi yarh fknayet yimam ninhu yufat yuta nawohhato kmi yarhm fnahnimoum. Yo mirakerkfom hingrnamoahat to be ninhu yufat yuta nawohhato bok mirakerkfom hingrnamounomm.’
23 Nd yiha inji kfoyuk yimam kfo miruhanm, ‘Na nhai tawisaf-wonkahanko. Wur fasoh fasoh nefm yakitohet yimako, wuri waiko.’ ”
Hushtet tkitf hingrnayuk kunyf
(Luk 6.47-49)
24 Jisasr wom mrokfot kfo memor, “Ndar na kfo pthiwa mrokfom, yimam wany yakiohato yak hikwam, tu dborioh duka tungunet yimam kuny rahu pokm simene simenim dbkaf hmbrita kanjo inji kitt rom mrokfom wany yakiohato hikwa nmbuhat.
25 Kto buriohr wih wihhato hnutn nd kunyr hnu hmbrenihato kto tfit wifort tonehato nd kunyr mnhombraneft nhai nd kunyr wohsiskfot. Bi rahu pokm bro bro tahimpno simenim hmbriyetm, to finji kunyrhu wohsiskfot. Ndnettn ndar na kfo pthiwa mrokfom, yimam wany yakiohato yak hikwam, tu dborioh duka tungunetem.
26 Yimam na kfo pthiwa mrokfom nhai wany yakiohato hik duha yitam, ndm mumetm kanjo kuny singoneft be inji yura nungurn singiwumm.
27 Kto buriohr wih wihhato hnutn hnu hmbrenihato kto tfit wifort tonehato nd kunyr mnhombraneft nhai nd kunyr toh bmtakfot. Nndo fnykt teh tour fnah yohnitt. Nhai be tu yifo suht suhkahr.”
28 Jisasr nd mrokfom kfo ptha buganihato nd rifinyuk yimam nd ror pthayuk mrokfom wanyhato yak nhtamohat be tuha mrokfo ptha duha rhumom.
29 Mrokfom kfo ptha nuhas bonuhasmohat, nhai be Judaroh boririfhuthu tisam kfo ptha nuhaswa kanjo kfo ptha nuhasrmorm. Nhai. Mrokfom kfo ptha nuhasmohat bro duka tungunet yimam kanjo kfo ptha hik bohikmorm. Ndnettn yimam rorhu mrokfom wanymohat nhai marimom, “Kfo ptha inji narahnom.” Nhai. Be tuha mrokfo ptha duha rhumom.