Aam ro Ewok Petrus Ykom
2 Petrus
Petrus ymah meen
Aam refo mbam kʼjõ, Simon-Petrus. Jõ tamo sryan tna raabis (rasul) ro Kristus Yesus rAit. Ait tait Allah, tna Ait sotak iro wanu ye. Ait tait Raa ro yhaf moof ati. Ait ysan bosmot ro moof toni kʼanu. Tkom aam refo tee kʼanu ro fri bosmot refo ye, mnan anya nsya amu ye. Jõ skabuk Allah re anu nhar Ait ysya Yesus ro yamo Tuhan ybo anu. Nhar Ana kaket tibyo Ait yatmof anu beta toni tna yno re anu beta nhau nhaf tnok toni ye.
Allah ysok tna ytu raa
Allah tait yhaf moof ati. Tna bo yase rAit to msai toni ye. Tibyo Ait ytu anu bma bo kʼAit tna re bhar Ait. Tna mkah bohar reto Allah yatak rAit yno re anu bhar bombra beta re kbe bhau bno bo ro Ait ksoh. Ait ysi bosi ro mafer moof kʼanu oh meto. Ysi yawe yno bo weto re anu bhau bhaf moof bnan fi Ait yhaf moof ye. Anu kro Yesus tna Ait yno iso re anu biranya bsya Allah ye. Raa ro tabam refo to, ana masmamo. Ana mnaut bo ro mkair yoyo tibyo ksoh mno bo ro mkair ye. Menohe Allah ysi bosi weto kʼanu afo re bhaf mato wanu ro tiwya mkair to, mrok moof. Allah yno bo weto beta. Feto oh mi soh anu nwe nrok noof to, nno bo wefo sor: Anu smot Kristus oh. Mfo refo tomer kaket afo re nno bo ro moof ye. Nno bo ro moof tna tomer nhar Allah kaket ye. Nhar Allah kaket, tna nisoh anu ai re nno-na bo ma. Nisoh anu. Tna beroh kro Yesus. Beroh kro Yesus, tna nno bo ro Allah ksoh to ye. Nhau nno bo ro Ait ksoh tna niranya nsya raa anya ro Kristus wAit ye. Niranya nsya raa anya tna natmof raa anya beta ye. Soh anu mur-mur nno bo ro moof weto beta kaket yoyo to, bo weto mno mafer moof. Bo weto mno anu nhar Tuhan Yesus Kristus kaket tibyo anu kbe tufrok mafer ro moof ye. Menohe awya ro yno bo weto to fee, ait yfi raa ro masu mboh tna hre mumu. Ait yfi raa ro sorni bo ro Yesus yno: Ait sorni yawe Yesus yyon iro wait ro yno to fee.
10 Tafoh na wojõ ro jõ ksoh; tomer nno bo weto renti. Nno feto tna kbe anu nhar nwe Allah ysok anu oh. Nhar nwe Allah ytu anu oh. Soh anu nno bo weto to, kbe meen anu btek nwe fee. 11 Tna meen anu twok mam sawro ro Yesus Kristus yamo Raja ybo to tu oh. Ait yamo Tuhan ro ybo anu. Tna Ait sotak iro wanu ye. Sawro rAit reto meen mhau hame wajin. Allah ksoh yawe anu twok tu oh. Ait huwya ymah meen kʼanu.
12 Anu ja nros tu tna nhar bokyas ro ati reto oh. Menohe jõ te tkyas bo weto kʼanu u, re kbe anu nnaut yoyo. 13 Tnaut tawe tkyas bo weto u to, moof re kbe anu sorni ma. Tibyo mam wore thau fares to, kbe te tkyas bo weto kʼanu u. 14 Thar tawe kbe thau kait fee. Baro feto sai oh to, jõ thai tamo bojõ. Tuhan Yesus Kristus ykyas feto kʼjõ oh. 15 Meen jõ tarak. Reto oh mi jõ tomer tno bo re kbe anu nhau nnaut bo wefo fares.
Amu nhar nwe bo weto mabo
16 Amu nkyas kʼanu oh nwe Tuhan Yesus Kristus tait Raa ro yatak. Tna nwe meen Ait yama u. Amu nkyas bo reto mfi bo mna ja raa mkyas-kas to fee. Tiwya amu nesait nmat yase rAit, nmat mkah amu nsu wamu. 17 Tiwya Yaja Allah bibi Ait tna teta Ait. Bo yase ro Allah rAit to msai toni. Yesait yawe, “Ku aJõ ro tatmof oh mefi. Ait tait Jõ thaf mnan.”* 18 Tiwya amu nros su nsya Ait mam atu wore Allah ykyas bo kʼAit. Tna nesait nri mai reto mbam sawro ro Allah.
19 Nnaut mai ro amu tii nri reto. Tna amu ja nbo bokom ro tiwya tinyi Allah ybis nabi wAit mama mkom to ye. Tibyo mfo refo amu nhar tu oh nwe bo ro nabi wAit mkom weto to, bo ro ati. Tawe nri bo ro nabi weto mawe to kaket. Soh anu nri bokom wana weto to, kbe anu nhar nwe bokyas roto taro to, bo ro ati ye, fe mfe a. Bo ro tii nabi wAit mkom to mnan fi kek ro mram yuk ro mamur. Soh raa mbo kek to, kbe mmat iso ro mamo. Feto to nri bo ro nabi wAit weto mawe to, mamo snok mam ati ro Tuhan Yesus Kristus yama u. Meen ati reto to, kbe yno re anu bhar Allah kaket. Reto mnan fi reen mama, mnan fi sken ro ja mor-mor mam ti to brat.+ 20 Tna ro ati to, nnaut bo refo: Nabi mesait mkyas tna betoo Bokom ro Allah fee. 21 Bokyas reto to, bonaut ro mbam raa fee. Nabi na ja mkyas bokyas ro mama mbam kʼAllah. Tna Har rAit oh mi mno re ana mkyas bo weto.
* 1:17 Matius 17:1-5 Tii Petrus, Yakobus ysya Yohanes ye maut atu reto msya Yesus. 1:19 Ana mkyas Mesias ro meen yama. + 1:19 Wahyu 22:16.