Paulus yawe raa msam wai kʼKristus to, iso sau aran mkah bo raa mkai riof
1 Taja, tme, tao, tano na; anu nhau nrat nsya Tuhan. Feto to simaut mase! Bokom ro mrof refo fo, tiwya jõ tkyas kʼanu beta oh. Tna te tkyas u re kbe anu nnaut bo wefo kaket tna sorni fee:
2 Raa Yahudi baro mama mkyas bokyas ro mkair: Ana mbis raa sme beta mawe, “Nko hawe sai, nkom tohmi (sunat).” Kaket anu, nri ana ma: Watum rana to, safo wer, mfi mtah ro ja safo mafit raa.
3 Anu fo, raa ro Allah sunat to. Anu oh mi Har ro Tuhan mbo re bbaut Tuhan kaket. Ana reto fee. Anu fo bibi Kristus Yesus bwe Ait tait yase toni. Anu safuk bo ro tabam refo fee.
4 Jõ tesait safuk bo ro tabam refo saah. ⌞Menohe jõ hawe; thar tawe bo weto to mafer marak.⌟ Tiwya jõ kro bo mafa ro Yahudi kaket. Jõ kro bo weto kaket miwer ana beta!
5 Tiwya tme mabe jõ tna masno krentuuf to, raa sunat jõ. Jõ fi tbam raa mana ro Israel, tna biin ro Benyamin ye. Au oh meto jõ fi raa Ibrani ro mase. Tna tamo raa ro Farisi. Tii weto to, jõ kro Watum ro Musa kaket. Tna ja tno bo mafa ro agama Yahudi to, kaket ye.
6 Tna jõ safo toni sikowah raa ro Kristen. Tna tiwana Watum ro Musa aro fee ye.
7 Tiwya tnaut tawe tno bo weto moof ati to, tkai riof mase. He mfe. Mfo refo jõ smot Kristus. Tna thar tawe bo weto beta mafer marak sai.
8 Feto sai fee; bo weto beta mti bosruf kʼjõ. Mfo refo thar Kristus Yesus, Tuhan ajõ. Tibyo jõ fri mafer mawat. Jõ ksoh tiranya tsya Kristus. Tibyo mfo refo tnaut tawe bombra ro tabam refo to, mfi bo ro mnis sai. Tna jõ beak makus sai. Jõ tksoh thar Kristus sai.
9 Jõ ksoh thau tiranya tsya Kristus. Jõ ksoh tawe Allah ymat jõ tna yawe jõ tfi raa ro mhaf moof ati. Menohe jõ ttai tatak mno bo ro moof mnan si fee. Soh jõ kro Watum ro Musa kaket to, reto mno jõ thaf moof ati fee. Menohe soh jõ tsam wai kʼKristus to, kbe Allah ymat jõ tna yawe jõ raa ro thaf moof. Watum ro Musa matak mno raa mhaf moof fee. Allah oh mi Raa ro ytai yatak yno raa mhaf moof ati to. Raa ro msam wai kʼKristus to, Allah ymat mees ro Kristus tibyo yawe ana weto mfi raa ro mhaf moof ati.
10 Jõ ksoh thar Kristus. Tna jõ ksoh Ait yatak rAit mhau matam jõ ye. Tii Ait yhai tna Ait yatak rAit oh mi mno Ait yrok yasen. Soh raa mno bo ro mkair-kar mai kʼjõ to. Jõ tawe bito tasom bo weto sai tnan Ait ye. Tna soh Tuhan ybis to, kbe too tetsu ajõ tbyat tna re tnan Ait ye. Jõ waa fee.
11 Afo kbe tis rau to, Ait yno jõ trok tasen.
12 Jõ tnan Kristus Yesus fefares. Jõ thaf mato moof ati fefares. Menohe jõ hamer tamo thau tiranya tsya Ait hame wajin. Reto oh mi Kristus Yesus ysok jõ tamo raa wAit.
13 Taja, tme, tao, tano na; bo ro jõ tksoh reto mabo fefares. Menohe jõ beak bo ro mafer marak. Jõ tawe sorni bo ro tiwya jõ tno to, tna beroh tamo fri roon ro hame.
14 Jõ tkro iso ro Kristus Yesus kaket mamo snok mam tis rau to, meen Allah yaren jõ. Meen Ait ytu jõ tamo thau mam sawro rAit.
15 Anu beta ro bhau bbo bosmot ranu kaket to, anu srau sau bnaut feto. Tna soh anu aro nhaf, srau wanu ha-hayah to, kbe Allah yisoh anu nhaf, srau ranu.
16 Nma, anu bbo tna bno bo beta ro Allah tiwya yawe oh kʼanu to, bbo bno kaket.
17 Taja, tme, tao, tano na; nmat bo ro jõ tno to, tna nboti bo ro jõ tno weto ye. Kro nno bo nnan jõ ye. Nmat tna kro raa taro ro ja mno bo moof to ye.
18 Kristus yhai mam ara warok mkah anu. Menohe raa mawat hawe anu fri mafer rau. Ana weto mamo byoh Kristus. Tiwya jõ tkyas ana weto kʼanu oh. Ana weto mno jõ sraujin.
19 Ana srau wana oot-oot bo ro mkair sai. Ana safuk bo mkair ro ana mno; bo ro mti saban sai. Tna ana mnaut bo ro tabam refo sai. Raa weto meen masu marak.
20 Menohe ⌞anu bmoʼt sawro ro kair fee.⌟ Kbe meen anu bmo bhau mam Sawro ro Allah. Sawro rAit to tabam ranu oh meto. Tna anu simaut mase ste Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Ait tait Raa Sotak ranu. Meen Ait ybam tno hah ye yama.
21 Yama tna yno anu betsu wanu haberek mamo moof mfi yetsu rAit. Mfo refo to, anu betsu wanu sne. Menohe Ait yetsu rAit yatak tna yoof. Meen Ait yno anu betsu wanu haberek to, mamo moof mfi yetsu rAit ro yoof ye. Bi Ait yase ybo bombra wofo beta ykah yatak rAit.