Job replied, How helpful you have been to this feeble man that I am. How supportive you have been to the weak. What good advice you have given to this ignorant man, demonstrating you have so much wisdom. Who helped you speak these words? Who inspired you to say such things?*
The dead tremble, those beneath the waters. Sheol lies naked before God, Abaddon is uncovered. He stretches the northern sky over empty space; he hangs the world on nothing. He gathers the rain in his storm clouds which do not break under the weight. He veils his throne; covering it with his clouds. 10 On the surface of the waters he set a boundary; he set a limit dividing light from darkness. 11 The pillars of heaven tremble; they shake with fear at his rebuke.§ 12 He calmed the sea with his power; because he knew what to do he crushed Rahab.* 13 The breath of his voice made the heavens beautiful; with his hand he pierced the gliding serpent. 14 This is just a little of all he doeswhat we hear of him is hardly a whisper, so who can understand his thunderous power?”
* 26:4 Clearly in these verses Job is being ironic. In addition some commentators see 26:1-4 as Job interrupting Bildad who continues as speaker of 26:5-14. 26:6 Sheol and Abaddon are names for the underworld, the place of the dead. The idea in this verse is that nothing is hidden from God. 26:10 There are echoes of the Genesis account of creation here. § 26:11 According to the ancients, the sky was supported by pillars (identified with certain mountains). * 26:12 Rahab was a legendary sea-monster, and may refer to some creation stories. 26:13 See Isaiah 27:1.