Listen to Me, you pursuing righteousness, || Seeking YHWH, || Look attentively to the rockyou have been hewn, || And to the hole of the pit—you have been dug. Look attentively to your father Abraham, || And to Sarahshe brings you forth, || ForoneI have called him, || And I bless him, and multiply him.” For YHWH has comforted Zion, || He has comforted all her ruins, || And He sets her wilderness as Eden, || And her desert as a garden of YHWH, || Joy, indeed, gladness is found in her, || Confession, and the voice of song. Attend to Me, O My people, || And, O My nation, give ear to Me. For a law goes out from Me, || And My judgment to the light, || I cause peoples to rest. My righteousness [is] near, || My salvation has gone out, || And My arms judge peoples, || Islands wait on Me, || Indeed, on My arm they wait with hope. Lift up your eyes to the heavens, || And look attentively to the earth beneath, || For the heavens have vanished as smoke, || And the earth wears out as a garment, || And its inhabitants die as gnats, || And My salvation is for all time, || And My righteousness is not broken. Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, || A people in whose heart [is] My law, || Do not fear the reproach of men, || And do not be frightened of their reviling, For a moth eats them as a garment, || And a worm eats them as wool, || And My righteousness is for all time, || And My salvation from generation to generation.” Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of YHWH, || Awake, as [in] days of old, generations of the ages, || Are You not it that is hewing down Rahab, || Piercing a dragon? 10 Are You not it that is drying up a sea, || Waters of a great deep? That has made deep places of a sea || A way for the passing of the redeemed? 11 And the ransomed of YHWH return, || And they have come to Zion with singing, || And continuous joy [is] on their head, || They attain gladness and joy, || Sorrow and sighing have fled away, 12 I [am] He who comforts you, || Who [are] youand you are afraid of man? He dies! And of the son of manhe is made [like] grass! 13 And you forget YHWH your Maker, || Who is stretching out the heavens, and founding earth, || And you continually fear all the day, || Because of the fury of the oppressor, || As he has prepared to destroy. And where [is] the fury of the oppressor? 14 A wanderer has hurried to be loosed, || And he does not die in the pit, || And his bread is not lacking. 15 And I [am] your God YHWH, || Quieting the sea when its billows roar, || YHWH of Hosts [is] His Name. 16 And I put My words in your mouth, || And have covered you with the shadow of My hand, || To plant the heavens, and to found earth, || And to say to Zion, You [are] My people.” 17 Stir yourself, stir yourself, rise, Jerusalem, || You who have drunk from the hand of YHWH || The cup of His fury, || The goblet, the cup of trembling, you have drunk, || You have wrung out. 18 There is not a leader to her || Out of all the sons she has borne, || And there is none laying hold on her hand || Out of all the sons she has nourished. 19 These two are meeting you, || Who is moved for you? Spoiling and destruction, famine and sword! By whom do I comfort you? 20 Your sons have been wrapped up, they have lain down, || At the head of all out places, as an antelope [in] a dragnet, || They are full of the fury of YHWH, || The rebuke of Your God. 21 Therefore, please hear this, || O afflicted and drunken one, and not with wine, 22 Thus said your Lord YHWH, and your God, || He pleads [for] His people: “Behold, I have taken the cup of trembling out of your hand, || The goblet, the cup of My fury, || You do not add to drink it anymore. 23 And I have put it into the hand of those afflicting you, || Who have said to your soul, || Bow down, and we pass over, || And you make your body as the earth, || And as the street to those passing by!”