The Loʀᴅ’s Power and Dominion.
AThe Loʀᴅ 1reigns, let the Bearth rejoice;
Let the many 2Cislands be glad.
AClouds and thick darkness surround Him;
BRighteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.
AFire goes before Him
And Bburns up His adversaries round about.
His Alightnings lit up the world;
The earth saw and Btrembled.
The mountains Amelted like wax at the presence of the Loʀᴅ,
At the presence of the BLord of the whole earth.
The Aheavens declare His righteousness,
And Ball the peoples have seen His glory.
Let all those be ashamed who serve Agraven images,
Who boast themselves of Bidols;
1CWorship Him, all you 2gods.
Zion 1heard this and Awas glad,
And the daughters of Judah have rejoiced
Because of Your judgments, O Loʀᴅ.
For You are the Loʀᴅ AMost High over all the earth;
You are exalted far Babove all 1gods.
10  AHate evil, you who love the Loʀᴅ,
Who Bpreserves the souls of His godly ones;
He Cdelivers them from the hand of the wicked.
11  ALight is sown like seed for the righteous
And Bgladness for the upright in heart.
12 Be Aglad in the Loʀᴅ, you righteous ones,
And Bgive thanks 1to His holy name.
A 97:1 Ps 96:10 1 97:1 Or has assumed Kingship B 97:1 Ps 96:11 2 97:1 Or coastlands C 97:1 Is 42:10, 12 A 97:2 Ex 19:9; Deut 4:11; 1 Kin 8:12; Ps 18:11 B 97:2 Ps 89:14 A 97:3 Ps 18:8; 50:3; Dan 7:10; Hab 3:5 B 97:3 Mal 4:1; Heb 12:29 A 97:4 Ex 19:16; Ps 77:18 B 97:4 Ps 96:9; 104:32 A 97:5 Ps 46:6; Amos 9:5; Mic 1:4; Nah 1:5 B 97:5 Josh 3:11 A 97:6 Ps 19:1; 50:6 B 97:6 Ps 98:2; Is 6:3; 40:5; 66:18 A 97:7 Ps 78:58; Is 42:17; 44:9, 11; Jer 10:14 B 97:7 Ps 106:36; Jer 50:2; Hab 2:18 1 97:7 Or All the gods have worshiped Him C 97:7 Heb 1:6 2 97:7 Or supernatural powers 1 97:8 Or possibly hears and is glad A 97:8 Ps 48:11; Zeph 3:14 A 97:9 Ps 83:18 B 97:9 Ex 18:11; Ps 95:3; 96:4; 135:5 1 97:9 Or supernatural powers A 97:10 Ps 34:14; Prov 8:13; Amos 5:15; Rom 12:9 B 97:10 Ps 31:23; 145:20; Prov 2:8 C 97:10 Ps 37:40; Jer 15:21; Dan 3:28 A 97:11 Job 22:28; Ps 112:4; Prov 4:18 B 97:11 Ps 64:10 A 97:12 Ps 32:11 B 97:12 Ps 30:4 1 97:12 Lit for the memory of His holiness