1 Then came the pharises and saduces and did tempte him desyringe him to shewe them some signe from heven.
2 He answered and sayde vnto the. At even ye saye we shall have fayre wedder and that because the skye is reed:
3 and in the morninge ye saye to daye shalbe foule wedder and that because the skye is cloudy and reed. O ye ypocrites ye can discerne the fassion of the skye: and can ye not discerne the signes of the tymes?
4 The frowarde nacion and advoutrous seketh a signe and there shall non other signe be geven vnto them but the signe of the prophet Ionas. So lefte he them and departed.
5 And when his disciples were come to the other side of the water they had forgotten to take breed with them.
6 Then Iesus sayd vnto them: Take hede and beware of the leve of the Pharises and of the Saduces.
7 And they thought in them selves sayinge: because we have brought no breed with vs.
8 When Iesus vnderstode that he sayd vnto the. O ye of lytell faith why are youre mindes cumbred because ye have brought no breed?
9 Do ye not yet perceave nether remember those .v. loves when there were .v.M. men and how many baskettes toke ye vp?
10 Nether the .vii. loves when there were .iiiii.M. and how many baskettes toke ye vp?
11 Why perceave ye not then that I spake not vnto you of breed when I sayde beware of the leven of the Pharises and of the Saduces?
12 Then vnderstode they how that he bad not them beware of the leven of breed: but of the doctrine of the Pharises and of the Saduces.
13 When Iesus cam in to the costes of the cite which is called Cesarea Philippi he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do men saye that I the sonne of man am?
14 They saide some saye that thou arte Ihon Baptist some Helias some Ieremias or one of the prophetes.
15 He sayde vnto the: but who saye ye that I am?
16 Simon Peter answered and sayde: Thou arte Christ the sonne of the lyvinge God.
17 And Iesus answered and sayde to him: happy arte thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for fleshe and bloud hath not opened vnto the that but my father which is in heven.
18 And I saye also vnto the that thou arte Peter: and apon this rocke I wyll bylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shall not prevayle ageynst it.
19 And I wyll geve vnto the the keyes of the kyngdom of heven: and whatsoever thou byndest vpon erth shall be bounde in heven: and whatsoever thou lowsest on erthe shalbe lowsed in heven.
20 Then he charged his disciples that they shulde tell no man that he was Iesus Christ.
21 From that tyme forth Iesus began to shewe vnto his disciples how that he must go vnto Ierusalem and suffer many thinges of the Elders and of the hye prestes and of the scribes and must be killed and ryse agayne the thirde daye.
22 But Peter toke him asyde and began to rebuke him sayinge: master faver thy sylfe this shall not come vnto the.
23 Then tourned he aboute and sayde vnto Peter: come after me Satan thou offendest me because thou sauourest not godly thinges but wordly thinges.
24 Iesus then sayde to his disciples. If eny man wyll folowe me leet him forsake him sylfe and take vp his crosse and folowe me.
25 For who soever wyll save his lyfe shall loose it. And whosoever shall loose his lyfe for my sake shall fynde it.
26 What shall it proffet a man though he shulde wynne all the whoole worlde: yf he loose his owne soule? Or els what shall a man geve to redeme his soule agayne with all?
27 For the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels: and then shall he rewarde every man accordinge to his dedes.
28 Verely I saye vnto you some ther be amonge them that here stonde which shall not taste of deeth tyll they shall have sene the sonne of man come in his kyngdomen.