After these things forsooth there were princes chosen of towns, that they should wend [or go] up, by houses, by their lineages, and the wives of them, and the sons and daughters of them, and servants and handmaidens of them, and their beasts.
And king Darius sent together with them a thousand horsemen, to the time that they brought them into Jerusalem, with peace, and with musics, and timbrels, and trumps;
and all the brethren were playing. And he made them to go up together with them.
And these be the names of the men, that went up, by their towns, into lineages, and into part of the princehood of them.
Priests; the sons of Phinehas, the sons of Aaron, Joshua, the son of Jozadak, the son of Seraiah, Jehoi-akim, the son of Zerubbabel, son of Salathiel, of the house of David, of the progeny of Phares, of the lineage forsooth of Judah,
that spake under Darius, king of Persia, marvellous doing words, in the second year of his realm [or reign], in April, the first month.
Forsooth these it be, that went up of Judah from the captivity, or thralldom, of the transmigration, whom Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, translated or brought over into Babylon;
and each is turned again into Jerusalem, and into all the cities of Judea, each into his own city, that came with Zerubbabel, and with Joshua; Nehemiah, Seraiah, and Resa-iah, Eneneus, Mordecai, Beelsarus, Aspharasus, Reeliah, Rehum, Baanah, one of the princes of them.
And the number from the Gentiles of them, from the provosts, or reeves, of them; the sons of Parosh, two thousand an hundred seventy and two; the sons of Saphat, four hundred seventy and two;
10 K the sons of Ares, seven hundred fifty and six;
11 k the sons of Pahath-moab, two thousand eight hundred and twelve;
12 k the sons of Elam, a thousand two hundred fifty and four; the sons of Zathui, nine hundred forty and five; the sons of Corbe, seven hundred and five; the sons of Bani, six hundred forty and eight;
13 k the sons of Bebai, six hundred twenty and three; the sons of Azgad, three thousand two hundred twenty and two;
14 k the sons of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and seven; the sons of Bagoi, two thousand sixty and six; the sons of Adin, four hundred fifty and four;
15 k the sons of Ater the son of Hezekiah, ninety and two; the sons of Ceilan and Azetas, threescore and seven; the sons of Azuran, four hundred thirty and two;
16 k the sons of Ananias, an hundred and one; the sons of Arom, thirty-two; the sons of Bassa, three hundred twenty and three; the sons of Azephurith, an hundred and two or twelve;
17 k the sons of Meterus, three thousand and five; the sons of Bethlomon, an hundred twenty and three;
18 k the sons of Netophah, fifty and five; the sons of Anathoth, an hundred fifty and eight; the sons of Bethsamos, forty and two;
19 k the sons of Kiriathiarius, twenty and five; the sons of Caphira and Beroth, seven hundred forty and three; the sons of Pira, seven hundred;
20 k the sons of Chadias and Ammidoi, four hundred twenty and two; the sons of Cirama and Gabdes, six hundred twenty and one;
21 k the sons of Macalon, an hundred twenty and two; the sons of Betolius, fifty and two; the sons of Nephis, an hundred fifty and six;
22 k the sons of Calamolalus and Onus, seven hundred twenty and five; the sons of Jerechus, two hundred forty and five;
23 k the sons of Annas, three thousand three hundred and thirty.
24 k Priests: the sons of Jeddu, the son of Jeshua, among the sons of Sanasib, nine hundred seventy and two; the sons of Emmeruth, a thousand fifty and two;
25 k the sons of Phassaron, a thousand forty and seven; the sons of Carme, a thousand and seventeen.
26 Deacons [or Levites]; the sons of Jessue, and Cadmiel, and Banuas, and Sudias, four and seventy; all the number from the two and twenty year, thirty thousand four hundred and two and sixty; sons, and daughters, and wives, all the numbering, sixty thousand two hundred and two and forty.
27 The sons of priests, that sung in the temple; the sons of Asaph, an hundred and eight and twenty.
28 Ushers forsooth; the sons of Salum, the sons of Jatal, the sons of Talmon, the sons of Dacobi, the sons of Teta, the sons of Sami, all an hundred and nine and thirty.
29 Priests, serving in the temple; sons of Esau, the sons of Asipha, the sons of Tabaoth, the sons of Ceras, the sons of Sud, the sons of Phaleas, the sons of Labana, the sons of Graba,
30 the sons of Acua, the sons of Uta, the sons of Cetab, the sons of Agaba, the sons of Subai, the sons of Anan, the sons of Cathua, the sons of Geddur,
31 the sons of Airus, the sons of Daisan, the sons of Noeba, the sons of Chaseba, the sons of Gazera, the sons of Azia, the sons of Phinees, the sons of Azara, the sons of Bastai, the sons of Asana, the sons of Meani, the sons of Naphisi, the sons of Acub, the sons of Acipha, the sons of Assur, the sons of Pharacim, the sons of Basaloth,
32 the sons of Meeda, the sons of Coutha, the sons of Charea, the sons of Charcus, the sons of Aserer, the sons of Thomoi, the sons of Nasith, the sons of Atipha.
33 Solomon, the sons of him; the sons of Azaphion, the sons of Pharira, the sons of Jeeli, the sons of Lozon, the sons of Israel, the sons of Sapheth,
34 the sons of Hagia, the sons of Pharacareth, the sons of Sabi, the sons of Sarothie, the sons of Masias, the sons of Gar, the sons of Addus, the sons of Suba, the sons of Apherra, the sons of Barodis, the sons of Sabat, the sons of Allom.
35 All these were in holy serving; and the children or servants of Solomon were four hundred fourscore and two.
36 These be the sons that went up to Thermeleth and Thelersas; the princes of them were Charaathalar and Aalar;
37 and they might not tell out their cities, and their progenies, what manner they be; and of Israel, the sons of Ladan, the sons of Ban, the sons of Necodan, six hundred and fifty -two.
38 And of the priests, that used priesthood, and were [not] found; the sons of Obdia, the sons of Accoz, the sons of Addus, that took Augia wife, one of the daughters of Barzillai, and they be called by the name of her;
39 and of these is sought the genealogy written [or the written genealogy] of the kindred, and they be prevented to use priesthood.
40 And Nehemiah said to them, and Atharias, that they take not part of the holy things, till the time that there arise a taught bishop, into showing and truth.
41 All Israel forsooth was twelve thousand, besides servants and hand-maidens, two and forty thousand three hundred and sixty.
42 The servants of [them, and] handmaidens were seven thousand three hundred and seven and thirty; singers and singsters [or singeresses], two hundred and five and sixty;
43 camels, four hundred and five and thirty; horses, seven thousand six and thirty; mules, two hundred thousand or two hundred and five and forty; beasts under yoke, five thousand and five hundred and five and twenty.
44 And of those provosts, or reeves, by towns, while they should come into the temple of God, that was in Jerusalem, to be avowed to rear up the temple in his place, after their virtue;
45 and the holy treasury to be given into the temple of works, were eleven thousand bezants, and an hundred priests’ stoles.
46 And there dwelled priests, and deacons [or Levites], and others, that were of the people, in Jerusalem, and in the realm [or region]; and the holy singers, and ushers, and all Israel, in their regions.
47 While the seventh month yet lasted, and when the sons of Israel were each in his own things, they came together of one accord into the porch, that was before the east gate.
48 And while Jeshua, the son of Josedek, and his brethren, priests, stood, and Zerubbabel, the son of Salathiel, and his brethren, they made ready an altar,
49 that they would offer on it burnt sacrifices, after those things that be written in the book of Moses, the man of God.
50 And there came to them of other nations of the land, and reared the holy treasury in his place, all the folk of the land; and they offered hosts, and burnt sacrifices of the morrowtide to the Lord.
51 And they did the feast of tabernacles, and a solemn day, as it is written in the law, and sacrifices each day, as it behooved.
52 And after these things they ordained offerings, and hosts of sabbaths, and of new moons, and of all solemn days hallowed [or all hallowed solemn days].
53 And how many ever vowed to the Lord, from the time of the new moon of the seventh month, they took hosts to offer to God; and the temple of the Lord was not yet builded up [or yet was not built up].
54 And they gave money to masons, and to wrights, and drinks [or and drink] and meats, with joy.
55 And they gave carts to Sidonians and to Tyrians, that they should carry over to them from Lebanon wood cedar beams, and to make a navy into the haven of Joppa, after the decree that was written to them from Cyrus, king of Persia.
56 And in the second year they came into the temple of God, into Jerusalem; the second month Zerubbabel began, the son of Salathiel, and Jeshua, the son of Josedek, and the brethren of them, and priests, and Levites, and all they that came from the captivity into Jerusalem;
57 and founded the temple of God, in the new moon of the second month of the second year, when they had come into Judea and to Jerusalem;
58 and set deacons [or Levites] from the age of twenty years upon the works of the Lord. And Jeshua stood up, his sons, and his brethren, all the deacons [or Levites] together casting, and executors, or followers, of the law, and doing works in the house of the Lord.
59 And there stood up priests, having stoles, or long clothes, with trumps, and Levites, the sons of Asaph, having cymbals,
60 together praising the Lord, and blessing him, after the manner of David, king of Israel.
61 And they sung a song to the Lord, for his sweetness and his worship into worlds, or for ever, upon all Israel.
62 And all the people sung with trumps, and cried with great voice, praising together the Lord, in the rearing of the Lord’s house.
63 And there came many of the priests, and of deacons [or Levites], and of presidents after towns, to the elders that had seen the rather house, and at the building up of this house, with cry, and with great wailing;
64 and many with trumps, and great joy,
65 so that the people heard not the trumps, for the great wailing of the people. Forsooth there was a company singing worshipfully in trumps, so that it was heard afar.
66 And the enemies heard the lineages of Judah and of Benjamin, and came to know, what was this voice of trumps.
67 And they knew, that they that were of the captivity builded [or built] the temple to the Lord God of Israel.
68 And the enemies coming nigh to Zerubbabel, and to Jeshua, and to the reeves of towns, they said to them, We shall build together with you.
69 In like manner forsooth we have heard our Lord, and we have gone together from the days of Azbazareth or Esarhaddon, king of Assyrians, that over-passed from hence [or that went over hence].
70 And Zerubbabel, and Jeshua, and the princes of the towns of Israel said to them, It belongeth not to us and to you together[or It is not to us and to you] to build up the house of our God;
71 forsooth we alone shall build the house of our God, after those things, that Cyrus, king of Persia, commanded.
72 The Gentiles forsooth of the land living with them that be in Judea, and rearing up the work of building, and bringing forth both espies and people, they forfended them to build up;
73 and they hindered men, haunting the goings-to, that the building should not be ended in all the time of the life of the king Cyrus; and they drew along the making-up by two years, unto the reign of Darius.