1 Alleluia. Acknowledge ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is without end.
2 Israel say now, for he is good; for his mercy is without end.
3 The house of Aaron say now; for his mercy is without end.
4 They that dread the Lord, say now; for his mercy is without end.
5 Out Of tribulation I inwardly called the Lord; and the Lord heard me in largeness.
6 The Lord is an helper to me; I shall not dread what man shall do to me.
7 The Lord is an helper to me; and I shall despise mine enemies.
8 It is better to trust in the Lord; than for to trust in man.
9 It is better for to hope in the Lord; than to hope in princes.
10 All folks encompassed me; and in the name of the Lord it befelled, for I am avenged on them.
11 They compassing encompassed me; and in the name of the Lord, for I am avenged on them.
12 They encompassed me as bees, and they burnt out as fire among thorns; and in the name of the Lord, for I am avenged on them.
13 I was hurled, and turned upside-down, that I should fall down; and the Lord took me up.
14 The Lord is my strength, and my praising; and he is made to me into health.
15 The voice of full out joying and of health; be in the tabernacles of just [or rightwise] men. The right hand of the Lord hath done virtue,
16 the right hand of the Lord en-hanced me; the right hand of the Lord hath done virtue.
17 I shall not die, but I shall live; and I shall tell the works of the Lord.
18 The Lord chastising hath chastised me; and he gave not me to death.
19 Open ye to me the gates of rightfulness [or rightwiseness], and I shall enter by those [or them], and I shall acknowledge to the Lord;
20 this gate is of the Lord, and just [or rightwise] men shall enter by it.
21 I shall acknowledge to thee, for thou heardest me; and art made to me into health.
22 The stone which the builders reproved; this is made into the head of the corner.
23 This thing is made of the Lord; and it is wonderful before our eyes.
24 This is the day which the Lord made; make we full out joy, and be we glad therein.
25 O! Lord, make thou me safe, O! Lord, make thou well prosperity;
26 blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. We blessed you of the house of the Lord;
27 God is Lord, and he hath given light to us. Ordain ye a solemn day in thick peoples; till to the horns of the altar.
28 Thou art my God, and I shall acknowledge to thee; thou art my God, and I shall enhance thee. I shall acknowledge to thee, for thou heardest me; and thou art made to me into health.
29 Acknowledge ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is without end.