The song of degrees. Lord, have thou mind on David; and of all his mildness.
As he swore to the Lord; he made a vow to [the] God of Jacob.
I shall not enter into the taber-nacle of mine house; I shall not ascend [or go up] into the bed of my resting.
I shall not give sleep to mine eyes; and napping to mine eyelids.
And rest to my temples, till I find a place to the Lord; a tabernacle to [the] God of Jacob.
Lo! we heard that the ark of the testament is in Ephratah [or we have heard of it in Ephratah]; we found it in the fields of the wood.
We shall enter into the tabernacle of him; we shall worship in the place, where his feet stood.
Lord, rise thou into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thine hallowing.
Thy priests be clothed with right-fulness [or rightwiseness]; and thy saints make full out joy.
10 For David, thy servant; turn thou not away the face of thy christ.
11 The Lord swore in truth to David, and he shall not make him [in] vain; Of the fruit of thy womb I shall set on thy seat.
12 If thy sons shall keep my testament; and my witnessings, these which I shall teach them. And the sons of them till into the world; they shall set on thy seat.
13 For the Lord chose Zion; he chose it into a dwelling to himself.
14 This is my rest into the world of world; I shall dwell here, for I chose it.
15 I blessing shall bless the widow of it; I shall [ful] fill with loaves the poor men of it.
16 I shall clothe with health the priests thereof; and the holy men thereof shall make full out joy in full out joying or rejoicing.
17 Thither I shall bring forth the horn of David; I [have] made ready a lantern to my christ.
18 I shall clothe his enemies with shame; but mine hallowing shall flower out on him.