To David, when he changed his mouth, or his word, before Abimelech, and he drove out David, and he went forth. [The psalm of David, when he changed his cheer before Abimelech, and he let him go, and he went away.] I shall bless the Lord in all time; ever[more] his praising be in my mouth.
My soul shall be praised in the Lord; mild men hear, and be glad.
Magnify ye the Lord with me; and enhance we his name into itself.
I sought the Lord, and he heard me; and he delivered me from all my tribulations.
Nigh ye to him, and be ye lighten-ed; and your faces shall not be shamed.
This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him; and saved him from all his tribulations.
The angel of the Lord sendeth in the compass of men dreading him; and he shall deliver them.
Taste ye, and see, for the Lord is sweet; blessed is the man, that hopeth in him.
All ye holy men of the Lord, dread ye him; for no neediness is to men dreading him.
10 Rich men were needy, and were hungry; but men that seek the Lord shall not fail of all good.
11 Come, ye sons, hear ye me; I shall teach you the dread of the Lord.
12 Who is the man, that willeth or desireth life; that loveth to see good days?
13 Forbid thy tongue from evil; and thy lips speak not guile.
14 Turn thou away from evil, and do good; seek thou peace, and perfectly pursue thou it.
15 The eyes of the Lord be on just [or rightwise] men; and his ears be to their prayers.
16 But the cheer of the Lord is on men doing evils; that he lose the mind the memory of them from [the] earth.
17 Just [or rightwise] men cried, and the Lord heard them; and delivered them from all their tribulations.
18 The Lord is nigh [to] them that be of troubled heart; and he shall save meek men in spirit.
19 Many tribulations be of just [or rightwise] men; and the Lord shall deliver them from all these [or them].
20 The Lord keepeth all the bones of them; one of those [or them] shall not be broken.
21 The death of sinners is worst; and they that hate a just [or rightwise] man shall trespass.
22 The Lord shall again-buy the souls of his servants; and all, that hope in him, shall not trespass.