1 The mind of Josiah made in the making of odour, is the work of a pigment-maker. In each mouth his mind shall be made sweet as honey, and as music [or melody] in the feast of wine.
2 He was dressed of God in the penance of folk, for he brought the people of his realm to penance for their sins, and to the worshipping of very God, and destroyed idolatry; and he took away the abominations of wickedness.
3 And the heart of him governed to the Lord [or he governed to the Lord his heart]; and in the days of sins he strengthened piety.
4 Except David, Hezekiah, and Josiah, all [the] kings did sin. For why the kings of Judah left the law of mighty God, and despised the dread of God.
5 For they gave their realm to other men [or their kingdom to others], and their glory to an alien folk.
6 They burnt the chosen city of holiness; and they made the ways thereof forsaken [or deserted] in the hand of Jeremy or Jeremiah.
7 For they treated evil him, which from the womb of the mother was hallowed [or made sacred] a prophet, to turn upside-down, and to lose, and again to build [up], and make new.
8 Ezekiel, that saw the sight of glory, which the Lord showed to him in the chariot of cherubim.
9 For he made mind of [or remem-bered] enemies in rain, that is, in word of his prophecy, to do well to them, that showed rightful [or right] ways.
10 And the bones of twelve prophets appear [or spring out] from their place; and they strengthened Jacob, and again-bought them in the faith of their virtue.
11 How shall we alarge Zerubbabel, that is, praise him worthily? for why and he was a sign [or token] in the right hand of God to Israel;
12 and Jesus or Jeshua, the son of Josedek? which in their days builded an house [or built up the house], and enhanced the holy temple to the Lord, made ready into everlasting glory.
13 And Nehemiah in the mind of much time, that raised [up] to us the walls, that were cast down, and made the gates and locks to stand; which Nehemiah raised [up] our houses.
14 No man born in [the] earth was such as Enoch; for why and he was received from the earth.
15 And Joseph, that was born a man, the prince of brethren, the steadfast-ness of folk, the governor of brethren, the stablishing of people; and his bones were visited, and prophesied after death [or and after the death they prophesied].
16 Seth and Shem, these got glory with men, and over each man [or all life] in the generation of Adam.