1 My friendess, thou art full fair, thou art full fair; thine eyes be of culvers, without that, that is hid within; thine hairs be as the flocks of goats, that went up from the hills of Gilead.
2 Thy teeth be as the flocks of shorn sheep, that went up from [the] washing; all be with double lambs, and no barren is among those.
3 Thy lips be as a red lace, and thy speech is sweet; as the remnant of an apple of Punic, so be thy cheeks, without that, that is hid within.
4 Thy neck is as the tower of David, which is builded with strong-holds made before for defence; a thousand shields hang on it, all [the] armour of strong men.
5 Thy two teats be as two kids, twins of a capret, that be fed among lilies,
6 till the day spring, and [the] shadows be bowed down. I shall go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the little hill of incense.
7 My love, thou art all-fair, and no wem is in thee.
8 My spousess, come thou from the Lebanon; come thou from the Lebanon, come thou; beholding from the head of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the hills of leopards.
9 My sister spousess, thou hast wounded mine heart; thou hast wounded mine heart, in one of thine eyes, and in one hair of thy neck.
10 My sister spousess, thy loves be full fair; thy loves be fairer than wine, and the odour of thy clothes is above all sweet smelling ointments.
11 Spousess, thy lips be as an honeycomb dropping; honey and milk be under thy tongue, and the odour of thy clothes is as the odour of incense.
12 My sister spousess, a garden closed altogether; a garden closed altogether, a well asealed.
13 Thy sendings-out be as a paradise of apples of Punic, with the fruits of apples, cypress trees, with nard;
14 nard and saffron, an herb called fistula, and canel, with all [the] trees of the Lebanon, myrrh, and aloes, with all the best, either first, ointments.
15 A well of gardens, a well of welling, either quick, waters, that flow with fierceness from the Lebanon.
16 Rise thou, north wind, and come thou, south wind; blow thou through my garden, and the sweet smelling ointments thereof shall flow. My darling, come he into his garden, to eat the fruit of his apples.