1 Daughter of the prince, thy goings be full fair in shoes; the jointures of thy hips be as brooches, that be made by the hand of a craftsman.
2 Thy navel is as a round cup, and well-formed, that hath never need to drinks; thy womb is as an heap of wheat, beset about with lilies.
3 Thy two teats be as two kids, twins of a capret.
4 Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes be as [the] cisterns in Heshbon, that be in the gate of the daughter of [the] multitude; thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon, that beholdeth against Damascus.
5 Thine head is as Carmel; and the hairs of thine head be as the king’s purple, joined to troughs.
6 Most dear spousess, thou art full fair, and full shapely in delights.
7 Thy stature is likened to a palm tree, and thy teats to clusters of grapes.
8 I said, I shall go up into a palm tree, and I shall take the fruits thereof. And thy teats shall be as the clusters of grapes of a vinery; and the odour of thy mouth as the odour of pom-egranates;
9 thy throat shall be as best wine. Worthy to my darling for to drink, and to his lips and teeth to chew.
10 I shall cleave by love to my darling, and his turning shall be to me.
11 Come thou, my darling, go we out into the field; dwell we together in towns.
12 Rise we early to the vinery; see we, if the vine hath flowered, if the flowers bring forth fruit, if [the] pomegranates have flowered; there I shall give to thee my loves.
13 [The] Mandrakes have given their odour in our gates; my darling, I have kept to thee all apples, new and eld [or old].