And I myself, Paul, beseech you, by the mildness (or by the meekness) and (the) softness, [or (the) patience], of Christ, (or And I, Paul, beseech you, by the meekness, and the gentleness of the Messiah), which in the face am meek among you, and I absent trust in you.
For I pray you, that lest I present be not bold [or be not hardy] by the trust, in which I am guessed to be bold [or to be hardy] into some, that deem us, as if we wander after the flesh. (For I pray you, lest that when I am present I be not bold with the confidence, in which I am thought to be bold by some, who judge us, as if we walk or if we go after the flesh.)
For we walking in the flesh, fight not after the flesh.
For the armours of our knighthood be not fleshly, but mighty by God to the destruction of strengths [or of wardings]. (For the arms or the weapons of our combat be not fleshly, but be made mighty by God for the destruction of strongholds.)
And we destroy counsels, and all highness that higheth [or raised] itself against the science of God, and drive into captivity all understanding into the service of Christ. (And we destroy plots and plans, and all the highness that raiseth itself against the knowledge of God, and drive into captivity all understanding in the service of, or obedience to, the Messiah.)
And we have ready to (a)venge all unobedience (or And we be ready to punish all disobedience or rebellion), when your obedience shall be [ful] filled.
See ye the things that be after the face. If any man trusteth to himself, that he is of Christ, think he this thing again with himself, for as he is Christ’s, so also we (be). (Look at what is before you. If any man trusteth himself, that he is the Messiah’s, then think he this within himself, that as he is the Messiah’s, so we also be the Messiah’s.)
For if I shall glory (or For if I shall boast), (in) anything more of our power, which the Lord gave to us into edifying, and not into your destruction, I shall not be (a)shamed.
But that I be not guessed as to fear you by epistles, (So that I do not be thought to frighten you by my letters,)
10 for they say, That epistles be grievous [or be heavy] and strong, but the presence of the body is feeble, and the word (is) worthy to be despised [or it is contemptible]. (for they say, His letters be weighty and strong, but in person he is frail or weak, and his speech contemptible.)
11 He that is such one, think this, for such as we absent be in word by epistles (or letters), such we be present in deed.
12 For we dare not put us among, or comparison us to some men, that commend themselves; but we measure us in us-selves, and comparison us-selves to us.
13 For we shall not have glory over-measure, but by the measure of the rule which God measured to us, the measure that stretcheth [till] to you.
14 For we overstretch not forth us, as not stretching to you. For to you we came in the gospel of Christ (or For we came to you to preach the Gospel, or the Good News, of the Messiah),
15 not glorying over-measure in other men’s travails. For we have hope of your faith that waxeth in you (or For we have hope that by the faith that groweth in you), to be magnified by our rule in abundance,
16 also to preach into those things that be beyond you, not to have glory in (an)other man’s rule (or not to boast about, or over, another man’s field of work), in these things that be made ready.
17 He that glorieth, have glory in the Lord. (He who boasteth, boast of the Lord.)
18 For not he that commendeth himself is (ap)proved, but whom God commendeth.