And we know, that if our earthly house of this dwelling be dissolved, that we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, everlasting in (the) heavens (or eternal in heaven).
For why in this thing we mourn, coveting to be clothed above with our dwelling, which is of heaven (or which is from heaven);
if nevertheless we be found clothed, and not naked.
For why we that be in this tabernacle, sorrow within, and be heavied [or be grieved], for that we will not be (de)spoiled, but be clothed above; that that thing that is deadly, be sopped up of life, (or that that is mortal, shall be swallowed up by life or into eternal life).
But who is it that maketh us into this same thing? God, that gave to us the earnest, either(the)wed, of the Spirit, (or God, who gave us the pledge, or the guarantee, of it, by the Spirit). [Forsooth he that maketh us into this same thing, is God, that gave to us the earnest, or a wed, of (the) Spirit.]
Therefore we be hardy always (or And so we shall always be bold), and know that the while we be in this body, we go in pilgrimage from the Lord;
for we walk by faith, and not by clear sight.
But we be hardy, and have good will, more to be in pilgrimage from the body, and to be present to God. (But we be bold, and be willing, rather to be in pilgrimage from the body, and to be present with God.)
And therefore we strive, whether absent, whether present, to please him.
10 For it behooveth us all to be showed before the throne of Christ, that every man tell [or receive] the proper things of the body, as he hath done, either good, either evil. (For it behooveth us all to be shown before the throne of the Messiah, so that every man receive his due, or that which he deserveth, because of what he hath done in the body, either good, or evil.)
11 Therefore we witting the dread of the Lord, (or And so we knowing the fear of the Lord, or And so we having reverence for the Lord), counsel men, for to God we be open; and I hope, that we be open also in your consciences.
12 We commend not us-selves again to you, but we give to you occasion to have glory for us, (so) that ye have [understanding] to them (or of them) that glory in the face, and not in the heart.
13 For either we by mind [or by reason] pass (forth), (or go away from sanity, or from soberness), [it is] to God, either we be sober, [it is] to you.
14 For the charity of Christ driveth us (or For the love of the Messiah compelleth us); guessing [or deeming] this thing, that if one died for all, then all were dead.
15 And Christ died for all (or And the Messiah died for all), (so) that they that live, live not now to themselves, but to him that died for them, and rose again.
16 Therefore we from this time know no man after the flesh; though we (have) known Christ after the flesh, but now we know not.
17 Therefore if any new creature is in Christ, the old things be passed. Lo! all things be made new, (And so if anyone is in the Messiah, he is a new creature, or a new creation, and the old things be passed away. Behold! all things be made new,)
18 and all things be of God, which reconciled us to him by Christ (or who reconciled us to him through the Messiah), and gave to us the service [or the ministry] of reconciling.
19 And [for] God was in Christ (or And because God was in the Messiah), reconciling to him the world, not reckoning to them their guilts (or their trespasses), and putted in us the word of reconciling.
20 Therefore we use (this) message for Christ, as if God admonisheth by us; we beseech you for Christ, be ye reconciled to God. (And so we give this message for the Messiah, or from the Messiah, as if God admonisheth by us; we beseech you for the Messiah, be ye reconciled to God.)
21 God the Father made him sin for us, which knew not sin, (so) that we should be made [the] rightwiseness of God in him.