1 And it was done, when he had entered into the house of a prince of (the) Pharisees, in the sabbath, to eat bread, they espied him. (And it was done, when he had entered into the house of a leader of the Pharisees, on the Sabbath, to eat a meal, they watched him.)
2 And lo! a man sick in the dropsy was before him.
3 And Jesus answering spake to the wise men of [the] law, and to the Pharisees, and said, Whether it is leaveful to heal in the sabbath? (And Jesus spoke to the men wise in the Law, and to the Pharisees, and asked, Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?)
4 And they held (their) peace. And Jesus took (hold of him), and healed him, and let him go.
5 And he answered to them, and said, Whose ass or ox of you shall fall into a pit, and he shall not anon draw him out in the day of sabbath? (And he said to them, Whose ass or ox of yours shall fall into a pit, and he shall not at once pull him out on the Sabbath day?)
6 And they might not answer to him to these things.
7 He said also a parable of men bidden to a feast, and he beheld how they chose the first sitting places, and said to them, (And he also said to them a parable about men bidden to a feast, as he saw how they chose the first, or the best, places to sit, and so he said to them,)
8 When thou art bidden to bridals, sit not to (the) meat in the first place, [or When thou shalt be bidden to weddings, sit not at the meat in the first place]; lest peradventure a worthier than thou be bidden of him, (When thou art invited to a wedding, do not sit down for the meal in the first, or the best, place; lest perhaps a worthier than thou be invited by him,)
9 and lest he come that called thee and him, and say to thee, Give place to this, and then thou shalt begin with shame to hold the lowest place.
10 But when thou art bidden to a feast, go, and sit down in the last place, (so) that when he cometh, that bade thee to the feast, he say to thee, Friend, come [up] higher. Then worship shall be to thee, before men that sit [together] at the meat, (or Then honour shall be to thee, before those who sit together at the meal).
11 For each that enhanceth himself, shall be lowed [or shall be made low]; and he that meeketh himself, shall be highed. (For everyone who exalteth himself, or who raiseth himself up, shall be made low; and he who humbleth himself, shall be put up higher.)
12 And he said to him, that had bidden him to the feast, When thou makest a meat, or a supper, do not thou call thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy cousins, neither neighbours, nor rich men; lest peradventure they bid thee again to the feast, and it be yielded again to thee.
13 But when thou makest a feast, call poor men, feeble [men], crooked (or the lame), and (the) blind,
14 and (then) thou shalt be blessed; for they have not whereof to yield [again] to thee, for it shall be yielded to thee in the rising again of just men (or and so it shall be requited to thee at the resurrection of the righteous).
15 And when one of them that sat together at the meat (or And when one of them who sat there at the meal), had heard these things, he said to him, Blessed is he, that shall eat bread in the realm of God.
16 And he said to him, A man made a great supper, and called many.
17 And he sent his servant in the hour of supper, to say to men that were bidden to the feast, that they should come, for now all things be ready.
18 And all began together to excuse them(selves). The first said [to him], I have bought a town, and I have need to go out, and see it; I pray thee, have me excused.
19 And the tother said, I have bought five yokes of oxen, and I go to prove them; I pray thee, have me excused.
20 And another said, I have wedded a wife; and therefore I may not come.
21 And the servant turned again (or And the servant returned), and told these things to his lord. Then the husbandman was wroth, and said to his servant, Go out swiftly into the great streets and the small streets of the city, and bring in hither poor men, and feeble, [and] blind men, and crooked (or and the lame).
22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done, as thou hast commanded, and yet there is a void place (or and there still be empty places).
23 And the lord said to the servant, Go out into (the) ways and hedges, and constrain men to enter, that mine house be full-filled, [or be filled], (or so that my house be filled full).
24 For I say to you, that none of those men that be called, shall taste my supper.
25 And much people went with him; and he turned, and said to them,
26 If any man cometh to me, and hateth not his father, and mother, and wife, and sons, and brethren, and sisters or sistren, and yet his own life, he may not be my disciple (or he cannot be my disciple).
27 And he that beareth not his cross, and cometh after me, may not be my disciple (or cannot be my disciple).
28 For who of you willing to build a tower, whether he sit not first or he first sitteth not, and counteth the expenses that be needful, if he have (them) to perform (it)? (For who of you desiring to build a tower, will he not first sit, and count out the expenses that be needed, to see if he hath enough money to finish it or to complete it?)
29 Lest after that he hath set the foundament, and may not perform (it), all that see, begin to scorn him, (Lest after that he hath laid the foundation, and cannot finish it, all who see it, begin to scorn him,)
30 and say, For this man began to build, and might not make an end. (and say, This man began to build, but he could not finish it.)
31 Or what king that will go to do a battle against another king, whether he sitteth not first, and bethinketh, if he may with ten thousand go to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?
32 Else yet while he is afar, he sendeth a messenger, and prayeth (for) those things that be of peace. (Or else while he is still far off, he sendeth a messenger, and beseecheth for those things that be of peace.)
33 So therefore each of you, that forsaketh not [or renounceth not] all (the) things that he hath, may not be my disciple (or cannot be my disciple).
34 Salt is good; but if salt vanish, in what thing shall it be savoured?
35 Neither in earth, nor in [the] dunghill it is profitable, but it shall be cast out (or but it shall be thrown away). He that hath ears of hearing, hear he.