And he beheld, and saw the rich men, that cast their gifts into the treasury;
but he saw also a little poor widow casting two farthings [or two little minutes]. (but he also saw a poor little widow throwing in two mites.)
And he said, Truly I say to you, that this poor widow cast (in) more than all men. (And he said, I tell you the truth, this poor widow threw in more than everyone else.)
For why all these of [the] thing that was plenteous [or abundant] to them cast in to the gifts of God; but this widow of that thing that failed to her, cast (in) all her livelode, [or all her lifelode], (or threw in all her livelihood), that she had.
And when some men said of the temple, that it was appareled [or that it was adorned] with good stones and gifts, he said,
These things that ye see, days shall come, in which a stone shall not be left on a stone, which shall not be destroyed.
And they asked him, and said, Commander (or Master), when shall these things be? and what token (or what sign)shall be, when they shall begin to be done?
And he said, See ye, that ye be not deceived; for many shall come in my name, saying, For I am, and the time shall nigh, (or for many shall come in my name, saying, I am he, and the time is near); therefore do not ye go after them.
And when ye shall hear (of) battles and strives [or dissensions] within, do not ye be afeared; it behooveth first these things to be done, but not yet anon is an end [or the end], (or but the end (will) not (come) at once).
10 Then he said to them, Folk shall rise against folk, and realm against realm; (And he said to them, For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;)
11 and great movings of the earth shall be by places, and pestilences, and hungers, and dreads from (the) heaven(s), and great tokens shall be. (and great earthquakes shall be in places, and pestilences, and famines, and there shall be fearful things and great signs in the sky.)
12 But before all these things they shall set their hands on you, and shall pursue you, betaking (you) into synagogues and keepings, [either prisons], and drawing you to kings and to justices, for my name; (But before all these things they shall put their hands on you, and shall persecute (you), delivering you into synagogues and into prisons, and drawing (you) unto kings and unto governors, for my name’s sake;)
13 but it shall fall to you into witnessing. (and it shall fall to you to give your testimony.)
14 Therefore put ye (it) in your hearts, not to think before, how ye shall answer;
15 for I shall give to you mouth and wisdom, to which all your adversaries shall not be able to against-stand, and gainsay. (for I shall give you the words and the wisdom, to which all your adversaries shall not be able to stand against, or to say anything against.)
16 And ye shall be taken of father [or Soothly ye shall be betrayed of father], and mother, and brethren, and cousins, and friends, and by death they shall torment [some] of you; (And ye shall be betrayed by father, and mother, and brothers, and cousins, and friends, and they shall torment some of you unto death;)
17 and ye shall be in hate to all men for my name. [and ye shall be hated of all men for my name.](and ye shall be hated by everyone for my name’s sake.)
18 And an hair of your head shall not perish; (But not a hair of your head shall perish;)
19 in your patience ye shall wield (or ye shall possess) your souls.
20 But when ye shall see Jerusalem be environed with an host [of battle], then know ye, that the desolation of it shall nigh. (But when ye shall see Jerusalem encompassed with an army ready for battle, then know ye, that its destruction is near.)
21 Then they that be in Judea, flee to the mountains; and they that be in the middle of it, go away; and they that be in the countries, enter not into it. (Then they who be in Judea, flee to the mountains; and they who (be) in its cities, go away; and they who (be) in the countryside, enter not into the cities.)
22 For these be the days of vengeance, (so) that all (the) things that be written, be fulfilled.
23 And woe to them, that be with child, and nourishing [or nursing] in those days; for a great dis-ease [or pressure] shall be on the earth (or in the land), and wrath to this people.
24 And they shall fall by the sharpness of (the) sword, and they shall be led (away as) prisoners [or led captive] into all folks; and Jerusalem shall be defouled of heathen men, till the times of (the) nations be fulfilled. (And they shall fall by the sharpness of the sword, and they shall be led away captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the nations be fulfilled.)
25 And tokens (or signs) shall be in the sun, and the moon, and in the stars; and in the earth overlaying of folks, for confusion of the sound of the sea and of floods [or of waves];
26 for men shall wax dry for dread and abiding, (or for the fear and expectation), that shall come into [or on] all the world; for (the) virtues of (the) heaven(s) shall be moved (or for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken).
27 And then they shall see man’s Son coming in a cloud, with great power and majesty. (And then they shall see man’s Son coming on a cloud, with great power and majesty.)
28 And when these things begin to be made [or begin to be done], behold ye, and raise ye (up) your heads, for your redemption nigheth (or your redemption draweth near).
29 And he said to them a likeness (or a parable), See ye the fig tree, and all trees,
30 when they bring forth now of themselves fruit [or when they bring forth fruit now of them(selves)], ye know that summer is nigh (or that summer is near);
31 so [also] ye, when ye see these things to be done, know ye, that the kingdom of God is nigh (or that the Kingdom of God is near).
32 Truly I say to you, that this generation shall not pass, till all things be done. (I tell you the truth, that this generation shall not pass away, until all these things have happened.)
33 Heaven and earth shall pass (away), but my words shall not pass (away).
34 But take ye heed to yourselves (or Keep watch over yourselves), lest peradventure your hearts be grieved with gluttony, and drunkenness, and (the) busynesses of this life, and that day come suddenly on you;
35 for as a snare it shall come on all men, that sit on the face of all the earth.
36 Therefore wake ye, praying in each time, (or And so be on watch, and always pray), that ye be had worthy to flee all these things that be to come [or that ye be worthy to flee all these things that shall come], and to stand before man’s Son.
37 And in days he was teaching in the temple, but in nights he went out, and dwelled in the mount, that is called of Olivet. (And during those days he was teaching in the Temple, but at night he went out, and stayed on the Mount of Olives.)
38 And all the people rose early [or And all the people came early], to come to him in the temple, for to hear him.