One Sad Song Bout Tyre
Get one message fo me from Da One In Charge: “Eh! You, Fo Real Kine Guy! Sing one sad song bout Tyre town. Da Tyre peopo live in da place wea easy fo go in an out da ocean. Dey da guys dat do biznis wit da peopos dat live on plenny islans an coast towns. Tell dose Tyre peopo: ‘Dis wat me Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell:
“ ‘You Tyre peopo, wen you talk, you tell,
“I stay perfeck an good looking!”
Yoa country, spread out ova da whole ocean.
Da guys dat build you make you jalike one perfeck an good looking boat.
Jalike you one mangus boat,
Dey make yoa two decks
From da pine trees Mount Hermon side.
Dey take one cedar tree from Lebanon
Fo make da mast fo you.
Dey take oak trees from Bashan
Fo make da oars.
Dey take da cypress wood from da Cyprus Islan coast
Fo make da planks, an dey put ivory inside fo make um look nice.
You fly yoa sail, dat you make from embroidery kine linen from Egypt.
Az jalike one flag fo you.
You make yoa bimini covering from da blue an purple stuff
From da Elishah coases Cyprus Islan.
“ ‘Da guys from Sidon an Arvad, dey da ones dat row yoa boats.
Da guys dat know how fo steer da boats, dey da ones from Tyre.
Da ol guys from Geval dat know how fo fix stuff,
Dey go wit you fo fix da leaks.
All da boats an dea sailas from all ova da ocean
Come by you guys fo make trade.
10 Guys from Persia, Lydia, an Libya,
Stay in yoa army too.
Dey hang dea shields an helmets on top yoa walls,
An dat make you guys look awesome!
11 Army guys from Arvad an Helek
Stan on top yoa walls all aroun Tyre town.
Get guys from Gammad
Guard yoa towas.
Dey hang dea shields aroun yoa walls.
Dey make you look perfeck an good looking.
12 “ ‘Da Tarshish peopo from Spain come by you guys fo make trade cuz you get plenny stuffs. Dey trade dea silva, iron, tin, an lead fo da stuffs you get fo sell. 13 Da peopo from Greece, Tubal, an Meshek make trade wit you too. Dey trade slave guys an bronze kine stuffs fo da stuffs you get. 14 Guys from Bet-Togarmah trade work horses, an war horses, an mules fo yoa stuffs. 15 Da guys from Rhodes make trade wit you guys, an da peopo from plenny islans an coast towns buy stuff from you guys too. Dey pay you wit ivory an ebony wood.
16 “ ‘Da Aram peopo from Syria side do biznis wit you guys cuz you get plenny stuffs fo sell. Dey trade da turquoise, da purple cloth, da embroida cloth, da nice linen, da coral, an da rubies fo yoa stuffs 17 Da Judah peopo an da North Side Israel peopo trade stuffs wit you Tyre peopo. Dey trade da wheat from Minnit, an da sweet stuff, honey, olive oil, an lotion you get from da tree sap fo yoa stuffs. 18 Da Damascus peopo do biznis wit you Tyre peopo cuz you guys get plenny rich stuffs fo sell: da wine from Helbon an da wool from Zahar. 19 Da Dan peopo an da Greek peopo from Uzzal buy yoa stuffs. Dey trade iron dey polish fo make shiny, cassia spice dat smell kinda like cinnamon, an calamus perfume fo da stuffs you sell. 20 Da Dedan peopo trade dea horse saddle blankets wit you guys.
21 “ ‘Da guys from Arabia an da princes from Kedar buy an sell stuffs wit you guys. Dey trade dea bebe boy kine sheeps, an boy kine goats. 22 Da peopo from Sheba an Raamah trade stuff wit you. Dey trade da bestes kine spice, an da kine jewelry dat cost plenny, an gold wit you. 23 Peopo from Haran, Canneh, an Eden, an trader guys from Sheba, Asshur, an Kilmad trade wit you. 24 Dem da ones trade wit you dea fancy clotheses, dark purple cloth, embroida kine cloth, an rugs wit plenny colors, all tie up wit strong ropes an tight knots. Dass how dey trade wit you guys. 25 Da big boats dat can go all da way to Spain go all ova fo bring back stuffs fo you Tyre peopo. Yoa islan in da middo a da sea fill up wit heavy kine stuffs you goin sell.
26 “ ‘But eh! Da boat rowas take you out far from yoa islan.
But one storm from da east side goin broke up yoa boat,
Ova dea inside da ocean.
27 Yoa stuffs dat cost plenny, da odda stuffs you like sell,
Da guys dat know how fo use da ropes fo da sails,
Da odda boat crew guys,
Da ones dat fix da leaks, da trader guys,
All da army guys dat go wit you, an all da ones on yoa boat—
Dey all go down in da ocean
Wen da storm hit da boat!
28 “ ‘Da small mainlan towns nea Tyre goin shake,
Wen yoa bestes boat crew guys yell fo help.
29 All da guys dat row odda boats goin bag from dea boats.
All da boat crew an da ones dat know
How fo handle da ropes fo da sails
Goin stan on top da beach.
30 Dey goin yell an cry real hard bout you Tyre peopo.
Dey goin pick up dirt an throw um on top dea head,
An roll on top da ashes fo show how sore dey stay inside.
31 Dey goin pull out dea hair from all ova dea head
Fo show dey stay sad inside cuz a you Tyre guys.
Dey goin wear burmbag kine clotheses.
Dey goin cry an stay sad
An come real sore inside.
32 Wen dey cry cuz a you Tyre peopo an stay sad inside,
Dey goin sing one sad funeral kine song bout you, lidis:
“ ‘No mo place jalike Tyre town!
Da Tyre peopo, dey jalike one awesome boat
Dat go down in da middo a da ocean!
33 Befo time, wen da stevedore guys take yoa stuffs outa da boats from on top da ocean,
You wen make plenny nations stay good inside.
You get plenny stuffs.
An az how you make king guys all ova da world come rich.
34 Dat time you come jalike one big boat
Dat come all broke up inside da ocean,
Inside da deep watta.
Yoa stuffs an all yoa peopo
Wen go down wit you.
35 Erybody dat live on da coast lines an on da islans,
Dey get shock wen dey tink bout you.
Dea king guys stay shaking cuz dey stay all bum out.
Dea face show dat dey stay real sked.
36 Da trader guys dat go aroun wea da diffren peopos live
Tell “Dass horraz!” wen dey tink bout you Tyre peopo.
Real horraz, da way you come wipe out!
An foevas you no goin be no moa!’ ”
27:25 27:25: JShow 18:11-19