Da Israel Peopo Go Mount Sinai
Three month afta da Israel peopo go outa da Egypt land, da same day get new moon, dey come inside da boonies Sinai side. Afta dey go from Refidim to da boonies Sinai side, dey make camp ova dea inside da boonies, down side Mount Sinai.
Moses Talk Wit God
Wen dey get dea, Moses go up da mountain, da place wea God stay. Da One In Charge call Moses from on top da mountain. He tell um, “Moses! Dis wat you gotta tell da peopo dat come from da Jacob ohana (az da Israel peopo): You guys see awready wat I wen do to da Egypt peopo. You guys know, was me da One dat bring you guys outa Egypt, jalike I one eagle bird an I carry you guys away from dea on my wings, an I bring you guys ova hea by me. Az why, if you guys lissen wat I tell you guys fo do, an stick wit da deal I wen make fo you guys, den fo shua you goin be my peopo, an I goin figga, ‘Dose Israel peopo, dey da bestes ting I get, from all da peopos all ova da world!’ An you guys know dis awready: da whole world, dass mines. But you guys, you goin be da prieses fo me an I goin be yoa king. You guys goin be one nation dass spesho fo me!” Dass wat you goin tell da Israel peopo.
Moses Tell Da Peopo Wat God Tell Him
Moses go back. He tell da older leadas fo da peopo fo come by him. He tell dem eryting dat Da One In Charge wen tell him dat dey gotta do.
Da peopo, dey tell Moses all togedda, jalike one voice, “Eryting Da One In Charge tell, we goin do um!”
Moses go back by Da One In Charge an tell um wat da peopo wen tell.
Da Peopo Get Ready Fo God Talk To Dem
Da One In Charge tell Moses, “I goin go by you inside one heavy cloud. I goin do dat, so da peopo goin hear me wen I talk to you. Cuz a dat, dey goin trus you foeva.”
Da Israel Peopo Come Spesho Fo God
Afta Moses tell God wat da peopo wen promise fo do, 10 Da One In Charge tell Moses, “Go by da peopo. Today an tomorra, you goin make dem come spesho fo me. An dey gotta wash dea clotheses, too. 11 Da day numba three, dey gotta be ready! Cuz dat day, me, Da One In Charge, goin come down on da top a Mount Sinai, inside one heavy cloud in front all da peopo. 12 You gotta show da peopo wea no can go, all aroun da mountain. Tell um, ‘Watch out! You no can go up da mountain! No even put yoa feets on top da mountain! Anybody touch da mountain, gotta kill um cuz az ony fo God dat place! 13 Anybody go dea, all da peopo goin throw rocks fo kill um, o shoot um wit arrows, cuz dey no can touch da guy. No matta one animal o one guy, if dey touch da kapu mountain, dey no can live!’ Ony afta da peopo hear one long trumpet kine soun from one sheep horn trumpet, den az okay fo dem go ova to da bottom a da mountain.”
14 Afta Moses come back down da mountain to da peopo one mo time, he make dem come spesho fo God. Dey wash dea clotheses. 15 Moses tell um, “Make ready fo da day numba three. You guys, no go sleep wit one wahine.”
God Come Down On Top Mount Sinai
16 Morning time, da day numba three, get thunda an lightning, an one heavy cloud ova da mountain top. Had one loud noise jalike from one sheep horn trumpet. All da peopo inside da camp, dey stay sked an shaking! 17 Den Moses take da peopo outa da camp fo meet God. Dey go stan down side da mountain.
18 All ova Mount Sinai, get plenny smoke, cuz Da One In Charge come down from inside dea, burning jalike fire. Da smoke go up jalike da smoke from one place wea dey melt metal. Da whole mountain stay shake plenny! 19 Da sheep horn trumpet noise dey hear stay come mo strong erytime.
Erytime Moses tell someting, God talk back to Moses, an soun jalike thunda. 20 Dass how Da One In Charge come down to da top a Mount Sinai. He tell Moses fo come all da way up da mountain by him. So Moses go dea.
God Talk To Moses
21 Da One In Charge tell Moses, “Go down now. Tell da peopo fo watch out. No good dey broke da kapu rule an come up hea fo look me. Cuz me, Da One In Charge. An if dey do dat, plenny a dem goin mahke! 22 Same ting fo da pries guys. Bumbye wen dey come in front me, dey gotta make um fo dem come spesho fo me. Cuz if dey no stay spesho fo me, I goin go agains dem an wipe um out!”
23 Moses tell Da One In Charge, “Da peopo no can go up Mount Sinai. Cuz you wen tell us, ‘Watch out! Make kapu all aroun da mountain fo keep um spesho fo me!’ ”
24 Da One In Charge tell Moses, “Go now. Go back down. Den bring Aaron back up hea wit you. But no let da prieses o da peopo broke da kapu rule fo come up hea by me, Da One In Charge. Cuz if dey do dat, dey goin mahke fo shua!” 25 So Moses go back down by da peopo an tell um dat.
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