Habakkuk Pray
1 Habakkuk, da guy dat talk fo God, pray wit music:
2 Da One In Charge, I hear wat peopo tell bout you.
I get awesome respeck fo you,
Fo all da awesome stuff you wen do awready.
Try do um one mo time!
Dese years right now,
Make peopo know wat you wen do.
No matta you stay huhu wit us,
No foget show us guys pity!
3 God come from Teman, south side.
Da God Dat Stay Good An Spesho,
Come from Mount Paran.
(Time out fo da music.)
He real awesome, jalike he shine all ova da sky.
Da peopo all ova da world talk good bout him.
4 He stay awesome jalike wen da sun come up morning time.
Da bright light shine from his hands
Wea he hide his powa.
5 He sen da real bad kine sick in front him.
Peopo mahke afta he leave.
6 Wen he stop, da earth shake.
Wen he look da peopos, dey come sked an shaking.
Da mountains dat stay from befo time come broke up.
Da ol hills fall down.
He do wat he do foeva.
7 I see da tents Kushan side.
Da peopo dat live dea stay bum out.
I see da peopo from Midian stay sked an shaking.
8 Da One In Charge, you wen wack da rivas dat time,
Az cuz you huhu, o wat?!
You mad at da streams?
Da time you wen ride yoa horses,
An yoa war wagons, an you win,
Az cuz you wen come piss off wit da ocean, o wat?!
9 You take off da cova from yoa bow
An get plenny arrow from yoa arrow bag.
(Time out fo da music.)
You split da earth wit da rivas.
10 Wen da mountains see you do dat, dey shake.
Da rain storm make big watta go thru da gulches.
Da deep ocean make big noise,
An make da waves go real high.
11 Da sun an da moon no move inside da sky
Wen yoa arrows shine an go flying,
An yoa spear shine an go fas jalike lightning.
12 You stay huhu, an you walk thru da earth.
You huhu, an you make to da nations
Jalike wen peopo wack da wheat
Fo split um from da junk kine stuff.
13 Dat time you wen come fo get yoa peopo outa trouble.
You wen help da Israel nation dat you wen pick.
You wen wack da leada fo da peopo dat do real bad kine stuff.
Can see eryting
From his head to his feets.
(Time out fo da music.)
14 His fighta guys wen come jalike one storm,
Fo make us guys scatta all ova da place.
But you wen stab dea leada wit his spear.
Dea guys wen stay good inside cuz dey figga dey goin win ova us guys.
Jalike dey rip off da pooa peopo
An no let nobody know.
15 You drive yoa horses all ova da ocean.
An da big watta come white jalike stay boil.
16 Wen I hear all dat, my body stay shake.
My lips shake cuz I sked.
My bones come weak.
My legs shake wen I stan.
But I goin res easy
An wait fo da time God goin punish dem,
Dose peopo dat attack us.
17 No matta da fig tree no mo bud,
No matta da grape plant no mo grape,
No matta da olive tree no mo olive,
No matta da fields no mo food,
No matta da sheeps
Mahke inside da pens,
No matta da pens no mo cows,
18 Still yet I goin stay good inside
Cuz a Da One In Charge.
I goin dance an sing
Cuz God, he da One
Get me outa trouble!
19 Da One In Charge a me,
He make me strong!
He make my feets run jalike one deer.
He help me fo move an no fall down
Even on top da high places.
(Fo da guy dat stay in charge a da music:
Use da big an small harp.)