Bummahs! Da Hard Head Peopo
1 Dis, one message from Da One In Charge:
“Bummahs! to da hard head peopo
Dat stay go agains me!
Dey make one plan an do um,
But da plan, not from me.
Dey make one deal wit peopo from anodda country,
But my Spirit neva tell dem fo do dat.
Dey do one bad ting,
Den anodda mo worse ting.
2 Befo dey go Egypt side,
Dey neva aks me firs bout dat.
Dey aks da Pharaoh guy fo help dem
An let dem stay wit him
So notting goin hurt dem.
3 “You tink Pharaoh da one goin help you guys?
He no can!
You tink da Egypt peopo
Goin let you guys stay wit dem
Fo notting hurt you?
Dey still no can,
An you goin come shame too!
4 No matta da Pharaoh guy
Get army officer guys north side inside Zoan,
An no matta he sen messenja guys south side by Hanes,
5 Erybody dat tell da Pharaoh guy fo help dem
Goin come shame.
Cuz da Egypt peopo no can do notting good fo dem.
Dey no goin help dem,
Dey no goin do notting good fo dem.
Dey ony goin make da Judah peopo come shame,
An make fun a dem!”
6 I get real bad stuff fo tell bout wat I see goin happen wit da animals da peopo use fo cross da boonies in da Negev, from Judah to Egypt:
“Da Judah peopo going thru da Negev land
Wea erybody get hard time
An suffa plenny.
Get plenny lions ova dea.
Get all kine snake dat can kill you,
An da kine snake dat you no see um an come out bite you
An make you feel jalike you stay burning up.
Da Judah peopo take dea rich stuffs dea
On top donkeys an camels,
Fo pay da Egypt peopo fo help dem.
But da Egypt peopo no goin do notting good fo dem!
7 Da Egypt peopo, even if dey try fo kokua da Judah peopo
No goin help da Judah peopo notting.
Az why I call da Egypt peopo,
‘Da proud fake crocodile
Dat ony make plenny noise!’ ”
Bummahs! Da Judah Guys
Dat Go Agains Me
8 “Now go. Write um fo dem, wat I jus wen tell you
On top one flat board,
So goin stay.
Den da peopo goin know bumbye an foeva
Wat I stay tell you now.
9 Go do dat cuz dis peopo
Dey hard head.
Dey ony like go agains Da One In Charge.
Dey jalike kids dat stay bulai erybody.
Da One In Charge stay teach dem plenny,
But dey no like lissen.
10 Dey tell da guys dat can see
Wass goin come bumbye, jalike one dream,
‘No see stuff wen you dream!’
Dey tell da guys dat talk fo God,
‘No tell us wat God tell
Bout wat stay right!
Tell us ony da kine stuff dat make us feel good inside.
Tell us dat God tell all nice kine stuff,
No matta az not true!
11 Go find anodda way fo how you talk!
Go pick one diffren road!
No tell us we gotta come in front God,
Da One dat stay good an spesho fo da Israel peopo!’ ”
12 Dass why da One dat stay good an spesho fo da Israel peopo tell dis:
“You guys, you ack
Jalike dis stuff I stay tell, no good!
An you guys stay shua
Dat you goin come out okay
If you make hard fo peopo
An bulai dem!
Az how you guys tink.
13 An cuz you make lidat,
Dis how goin be wen I punish you guys.
Jalike wen get one high wall wit one small crack,
An da crack come mo big,
An da wall by da crack push out,
An bang! da whole ting fall down.
14 Da wall goin broke jalike one clay pot.
Goin all broke in small pieces,
Cuz I no goin hold back notting.
Da small pieces dat stay,
No goin be big enuff fo take hot coal from da fire,
O even fo get watta from da watta place.”
15 But dis message come from Da One In Charge a me,
Da One dat stay good an spesho fo da Israel peopo:
“Fo you guys get outa trouble,
You gotta come back my side,
Fo come so notting bodda you.
Fo you guys come strong inside,
You gotta stay quiet an trus me.”
But you guys still no like lissen!
16 Dass how come you guys wen tell,
“No way! We goin ride horse an run away!”
So den, you guys goin run away!
You guys wen tell,
“We goin ride horse dat run real fas!”
But da guys dat come chase you guys,
Dey get fas horse too.
17 One tousan a you guys goin run away
Wen one a dea guys tell dat he goin hurt um.
An if five a dea guys tell dat dey goin hurt you guys,
All da res a you guys goin run away,
Till you da ony one stay dea.
Goin be jalike one pos
Dass da ony ting stan on top one mountain,
Jalike one flag on top da hill.
Da One In Charge Goin Do
Good Tings Fo His Peopo
18 Dass how come Da One In Charge stay wait,
Cuz he stay ready fo do good tings fo you guys.
He goin stan up
Fo show you guys pity an love.
Cuz Da One In Charge, he da kine god
Dat judge da right way erytime.
An all da peopo dat stay wait fo him,
Dey can stay good inside.
19 Cuz you peopo dat live inside Jerusalem town,
You no goin cry no moa.
Wen you guys yell to Da One In Charge fo help you,
He goin do um.
Fo shua he goin do good tings fo you.
He goin hear you guys,
An right den an dea he goin help you.
20 My Boss goin give you guys hard time,
Jalike he give you guys
Ony bread fo eat an watta fo drink.
But den, da guys dat stay teach you,
Dey no goin hide from you guys no moa.
You goin see dem.
21 Den, even if you go da wrong way,
Jalike you leave da road
An go da right side o da lef side,
You goin hear somebody behind you tell,
“Eh! Da right way stay ova hea!
Go dat way!”
22 Den you guys goin make pilau yoa idol kine gods,
Even da kine dat get silva an gold all ova.
You goin throw um away
Jalike one pilau kine rag.
You goin tell da idol kine gods,
“Get away from hea!”
23 Da One In Charge goin sen rain
Fo da seeds you guys goin plant inside da groun.
Da food dat da groun bring up
From da seeds you guys plant
Goin be good kine, an goin get plenny.
Dat time yoa cows goin get plenny fo eat
Inside da big field.
24 Da cows an donkeys dat plow da groun
Goin eat spesho kine cow food
Dat you guys make,
An get salt inside,
An no mo junks in um
Cuz da peopo use shovel an pitchfork
Fo throw um up in da air
An let da wind clean um.
25 But befo dat happen,
Plenny peopo goin mahke,
An da high towas goin fall down!
Laytas goin get plenny watta fall down
From da high mountains an hills.
An fill da stream an da watta ditch.
26 Da moon goin shine strong,
Jalike da sun.
An da light from da sun goin come
Seven time mo bright den befo,
Jalike you get all da light from seven days,
In one day!
Az how goin happen
Afta Da One In Charge wack his peopo.
Den, Da One In Charge goin fix um
Ery place da bone stay broke,
An he goin bandage
Da cut he wen give dem.
God Goin Judge Da Assyria Peopo
27 Look! You know wat kine god Da One In Charge!
Now he come from one far place.
He stay real huhu,
Jalike he stay burning,
An plenny smoke stay coming outa him!
He ony talk bout
Wat da guys dat stay agains him stay do.
He no goin take dat.
Wen he talk, jalike wat he tell,
Goin burn eryting up.
28 Wen he breave, jalike one riva
Dat run fas,
Dat no can stay inside da stream,
But reach up to da peopo neck.
He shake da peopo inside diffren countries
Jalike dey stay inside one straina,
An dey no can do notting.
Jalike he put one horse bridle inside dea mout
Dat make da diffren peopos go da wrong way.
29 But you Judah guys goin sing,
Jalike you sing
Da nite you make spesho fo God
Befo one spesho religious kine ceremony.
You goin feel real good inside
Jalike wen peopo play da flute
An go up da hill wea Da One In Charge stay.
He jalike one solid Rock fo da Israel peopo.
30 Da One In Charge
Goin make peopo hear his awesome voice,
An show his strong arm come down
Wit plenny powa.
Cuz he stay huhu,
Jalike da fire dat stay burn up eryting,
An da strong wind, rain,
An hail dat fall down
From da sky jalike rocks.
31 Wen Da One In Charge start fo yell,
He goin make da Assyria army guys lose fight.
Jalike he use his big stick fo wack um.
32 Erytime Da One In Charge wack da Assyria guys
Wit da stick he use fo punish dem,
Da Judah peopo goin play music
Wit tammorine an harp,
Wen Da One In Charge
Win ova da Assyria guys
Wit his strong powa.
33 Da place outside Jerusalem
Wea da peopo dat donno God
Burn up dea kids
Fo make one sacrifice fo dea idol kine gods,
From long time, jalike dat place stay ready
Fo burn up da Assyria king.
Somebody wen dig da burning place
Real deep an real wide.
Get plenny fire
An plenny wood all pile up dea.
Wen Da One In Charge blow on top um,
Make um start fo burn,
Jalike one burning sulfur riva
Make da wood pile burn.