Elihu Talk Moa
Den Elihu tell,
“Eh Job! You tink az right,
Fo you tink you mo right den God?
But you erytime aks God, ‘How dat goin help you, God?
An wat good ting goin happen to me if I no do notting bad?’
“I like ansa wat you tell,
An I like tell yoa frenz too:
Look at da sky!
Look good at da clouds high ova you.
If you do someting bad, wat goin happen to God cuz a you? Notting.
An if you go agains him plenny times, wat you do to him? Notting.
If you do wass right, how dat help him?
O wat he get from you? Notting!
If you do bad kine stuff, dat ony hurt odda guys jalike you,
An wen you do wass right, dat ony help odda peopo, not God!
“Peopo yell fo help wen dey stay unda plenny presha.
Dey beg fo help cuz get plenny peopo wit powa.
10 But wen dey yell lidat, nobody aks, ‘Wea God stay, da One dat make me?
Cuz him da One dat gimme songs nite time.
11 Him, da One dat teach us guys mo den he teach da animals on top da earth,
An make us know mo betta wat fo do, den da birds inside da sky.’
12 Wen dose bad peopo yell fo help,
Az wen God no do notting.
Cuz dey do bad kine stuff an dey get big head.
13 Fo shua, God no goin lissen dose guys,
Cuz wat dey tell, no mean notting.
Da God Dat Get All Da Powa, he no goin wase time wit dat.
14 “Az why, Job, even mo God no goin lissen,
Wen you tell dat you no can see him!
An he da judge dat goin tell if you right o wrong,
An you gotta wait fo him.
15 An one mo ting: you tink dat wen God come huhu, he no punish nobody?
An if somebody do bad kine stuff, no bodda him!
16 Job, he open his mout an talk,
But wat he tell no mean notting!
He talk talk talk,
But he donno wat he stay talking about.”
35:6 35:6: Job 22:2-3