Da Kine Sick On Top Da Skin
Dat Odda Peopo Can Catch
1 Da One In Charge tell Moses an Aaron dis:
2 “Anybody get one place on top dea skin dat stay swell up, o get rash, o one place dat shine o stay red, maybe da kine goin come sick an odda guys can catch um. Den da peopo gotta bring dem by Aaron da pries guy, o one a his boys dat stay one pries.
3 Da pries goin check out da sore dat stay on top dea skin. If da hair inside da sore place come white awready, an if da sore look jalike stay go all da way down unda da skin, den az one bad kine sick dat odda guys can catch. Afta da pries guy check out da sick guy, da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he no stay pono.
4 If da place on top da skin come white awready, but no look jalike stay go all da way down unda da skin, an da hair inside um not white, da pries goin take da guy an put um away fo nobody go by him fo seven day.
5 Day numba seven, da pries guy goin check um out one mo time. If da pries guy see dat da sore no change, an no come mo big on top da skin, da pries goin take da guy an put um away so nobody go by him seven mo day.
6 Day numba seven, da pries guy goin check out da guy one mo time. If da sore fade, an neva come mo big on top da skin, da pries guy goin tell erybody az ony one rash, an da guy stay pono fo come in front me, Da One In Charge. Da guy gotta wash his clotheses, den he can come in front me.
7 But if da rash come mo big on top da skin afta he show da rash to da pries guy fo find out if he pono, den he gotta come back by da pries guy fo check um out one mo time still yet.
8 Da pries guy goin check out da guy one mo time. If da rash stay come mo big on top da skin, da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he no stay pono. Az one sick dat da guy can spread to odda guys.
9 “Anybody get one sick on top da skin dat can spread to anodda guy, da peopo gotta bring dem by da pries guy.
10 Da pries guy goin check um out. If get one white place on top da skin dat stay swell up, an if da place dat stay swell up stay raw,
11 az one sick inside da skin dat anybody can catch, an no goin come good bumbye. Da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he no stay pono. Da pries guy no need make da sick guy stay wea nobody goin come by um fo da pries guy check um out one mo time, cuz da guy awready no stay pono an no can come in front me.
12 “If da sick come out all ova da guy skin, an da pries see dat da sick go cova da skin from da head to da feets,
13 da pries guy goin tes um. If da sick stay all ova his body, da pries guy goin tell erybody dat he pono fo come in front me, Da One In Charge. Cuz da sick stay all white an dry up, he can come in front me.
14 But if da pries guy see dat da skin still yet stay raw, den da guy no stay pono fo come in front me, Da One In Charge.
15 Wen da pries guy see da raw skin, he goin tell erybody dat da guy no can come in front me. Da guy can give da sick to anodda guy.
16 But if da raw skin change an come back white an dry, he gotta go by da pries guy one mo time.
17 Da pries guy goin check out da guy one mo time. If da sores come white an dry, da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy stay pono fo come in front me, an he stay okay.
18 “Wen somebody get one boil on top dea skin, an da ting come good,
19 an on top da place wea da boil wen stay, get one white place dat stay swell up o get one kinda red an white shiny kine place, dey gotta go by da pries guy.
20 Da pries guy goin check um out. If da place look jalike stay go all da way down inside da skin, an da hair inside um come white, da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he not pono. Az one sick dat odda guys can catch. Dat kine sick come from wea da boil wen stay befo time.
21 But if da pries guy check um out, an no mo white hair inside um, an no go down inside da skin, an ony can see um litto bit, den da pries guy goin take da guy an put um away wea nobody goin come by um fo seven day.
22 But if da kine sick stay spread out mo plenny on top da skin, da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he no stay pono. Odda guys can catch um.
23 But if da shiny place no stay change, an no come mo big, az ony one scar from da boil, an da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy can come in front me cuz he pono.
24 “Wen somebody get one burn on top dea skin, an one kinda red an white shiny kine place o one white shiny kine place come inside da raw skin on top da burn, dey gotta go in front da pries guy.
25 Da pries guy goin check out da burn place. If da hair inside da shiny part come white, an da sore look jalike go all da way down inside da skin, az da kine sick odda guys can catch, cuz stay come from da place wea da burn wen stay. Da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy no can come in front me cuz he not pono, cuz dass da kine sick odda guys can catch.
26 But if da pries guy check out da place, an no mo white hair inside da shiny part, an no go down inside da skin, an ony can see um litto bit, den da pries guy goin take da guy an put um away by wea nobody goin come by um fo seven day.
27 Day numba seven, da pries guy goin look um one mo time. If da sore come mo plenny on top da skin, da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he no stay pono. Az one sick odda guys can catch.
28 But if da sore no change, an no come mo big, an ony can see um litto bit, az one place dat stay swell cuz a da burn. Da pries goin tell erybody dat da guy can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he stay pono. Az ony one scar from da burn.
29 “If one guy o one wahine get one sore on top da head o on top da chin,
30 da pries guy goin check out da sore. If look jalike stay go down inside da skin, an da hair inside um stay yellow an skinny kine, an come itchy, da pries goin tell dat dey no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz dey no stay pono. Dat kine sore broke da skin on top da head o da chin, an odda guys can catch um.
31 But if da pries see dat da place wea da skin sore no look jalike go all da way down inside da skin, an no mo black hair inside um, den da pries guy goin take da guy an put um away wea nobody can come by um fo seven day.
32 Day numba seven, da pries guy goin tes da sore one mo time. If da place wea da skin sore no spread, an no come itchy, an no mo yellow hair inside um, an no look jalike stay go down inside da skin,
33 da sick guy gotta shave, but no shave da place wea da sore stay, an da pries guy goin make um stay wea nobody goin come by um seven mo day.
34 Day numba seven, da pries guy goin check out da place wea da skin sore. If no spread out, an no go down inside da skin, da pries guy goin tell erybody dat da guy can come in front me, cuz he stay pono. Dey gotta wash dea clotheses fo be okay fo come in front me.
35 But if da place wea da skin sore spread out afta da pries guy tell dat stay okay fo come in front me,
36 da pries guy goin check um out one mo time. If da place wea da skin sore spread out one mo time, da pries no need look fo one yellow hair, cuz da guy no can come in front me.
37 But if da pries guy figga da place wea da skin sore no mo plenny, an get black hair growing inside um, da sore come good awready. Da pries goin tell erybody dat da guy can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he stay pono.
38 “Wen one guy o one wahine get white shiny kine places on top dea skin,
39 da pries guy goin tes da guy o da wahine. If da place stay white an shiny an almos no can see um, az ony one rash on top da skin an odda guys no can catch um, an da guy o da wahine can come in front me cuz dey stay pono.
40 “Wen one guy hair fall out from on top his head, he ony bolohead. Az okay fo him come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he pono.
41 An if da hair on top da front a his head fall out, dass bolohead too. Da guy can come in front me.
42 But if he get one white sore wit litto bit red inside wea he no mo hair on top o on da front a his head, an da sore spread, az one sick dat odda guys can catch.
43 Da pries guy goin check um out. If da sore on top his head o on top da front a da head stay swell, an get white wit litto bit red, jalike one sick odda guys can catch,
44 den fo shua da guy get da kine sick odda guys can catch, an no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz he no stay pono. Da pries guy goin tell erybody dat he no can come in front me, cuz a da sore on top his head.
45 “Anybody get dat kine sick odda guys can catch, dey gotta rip da clotheses dey wear fo show dey stay sad inside, an no comb dea hair. Dey gotta cova up da bottom part a dea face, an yell to erybody, ‘No come nea! No come nea! I no stay pono fo go in front Da One In Charge!’
46 Da whole time dey get dat kine sick, dey no can come in front me, Da One In Charge, cuz dey no stay pono. Az why dey gotta live wea nobody can go by um. Dey gotta live outside da camp, dey no can live nea odda peopo.
Da Rules Bout Da Mildew
47 “Da clotheses dat get da kine mildew dat stay spread on top um, wool kine o linen kine clotheses,
48 any kine dey weave o knit from linen o wool string, o animal skins, o someting peopo make from ledda,
49 an if da mildew on top dese tings look kinda green o kinda red, az da kine mildew dat spread. You gotta show um to da pries guy.
50 Da pries guy goin check out da mildew, an put da ting away fo no touch odda kine stuffs fo seven day.
51 Day numba seven, he goin check um out one mo time. If da mildew stay go on top da clotheses, o da stuff dey weave o knit, o on top da ledda, no matta wat dey use um fo, az da kine mildew dat goin wipe out all da stuffs. You no can use da ting fo notting.
52 Da pries guy gotta burn all da tings dat get mildew, cuz goin wipe out odda stuff. Gotta burn um up.
53 “But if da pries guy see wen he go tes da stuffs, dat da mildew no spread on top da clotheses o da odda stuff,
54 he goin tell somebody fo wash da tings dat get da mildew. Den he goin put um away from da odda stuff fo seven mo day.
55 Den da pries guy goin yes um one mo time, an if da mildew still look da same, no matta no spread, you no can use um. Burn um up, no matta da mildew stay on da inside o da outside.
56 But if da pries guy see dat da mildew stay fade afta dey wash um, he gotta broke da mildew part off fo take out da mildew part.
57 But if da mildew stay come one mo time on top da stuff bumbye, gotta burn up da whole ting.
58 Wateva dey wash, an no mo mildew, dey gotta wash um one mo time, an den goin be okay fo peopo use um.
59 “Dis, da rules fo wool o linen cloth, an fo stuff peopo make from ledda, dat get mildew on top um, an fo tell erybody if stay okay o if not okay fo peopo use um.”