Da Wedding Luau Story
(Luke 14:15-24)
One mo time Jesus tell da peopo mo stories fo teach um. He tell um lidis: “Wen God in da sky stay King, dass jalike one king dat make one luau cuz his boy goin get married. Wen da time come, he sen his worka guys fo tell all da peopo he tell fo come, fo come awready. But his frenz neva like come.
“So den he sen some mo odda worka guys. He tell um, ‘Tell all da peopo I wen tell fo come, “Time awready! I wen kill da cows an da bestes kine bebe cows. I make all da food ready. Try come!” ’
“But da peopo he wen tell fo come, dey no kea, an dey go way from da guy. Some guys go back dea farms, an odda guys go back dea stores fo do dea biznis. Had odda guys dat grab da worka guys, an dey make any kine to da worka guys, an dey even kill da worka guys.
“An den da king come so wild wit dem, he sen his army guys fo kill da guys dat wen kill his worka guys. Den da army guys burn up da whole town. Da king tell his odda worka guys, ‘You know, da luau fo my boy stay ready now, but da guys I wen tell fo come, dey not good enuff. So den I tell you guys, go all da main roads, an tell all da peopo you guys see ova dea fo come da wedding luau.’ 10 So da worka guys go check out all da roads, an bring all da guys dey find ova dea fo da luau. Had choke plenny peopo, da good kine guys, an da bad kine guys too.
11 “Da king go inside fo look da peopo dat wen come ova dea, an he spock one guy dat no mo wedding kine clotheses. 12 He tell da guy, ‘Eh, how come you come inside hea, but you no mo wedding kine clotheses on?’ An da guy no mo notting fo tell. 13 So da king tell his worka guys, ‘Eh, tie up dis guy hands an feet, an throw um outside inside da dark. Ova dea goin get peopo dat goin cry real hard an grind dea teet cuz dey so huhu an futless.’ 14 I tell you, God da King tell plenny guys fo come, but ony goin get litto bit guys he goin pick fo be his guys.”
Da Tax Money Fo King Cesar
(Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:20-26)
15 Den da Pharisee guys start fo talk togedda how dey goin catch Jesus from wat he goin tell um. 16 So den dey sen da guys dey stay teach fo go by him, an some King Herod guys too. Dey tell, “Eh, Teacha, we know you tell da trut, an you teach da true kine stuff bout wat God like erybody fo do, no matta wat da peopo tink o who dem. 17 So, wat? da Rules From God tell, az right fo pay King Cesar da tax money, o wat?”
18 But Jesus know dey stay trying fo make any kine, an he tell, “You guys, you tell one ting an do anodda! How come you guys try fo make me tell any kine? 19 Show me da kine coin fo da tax.” An dey show um. 20 Jesus tell, “Who dis guy on top da coin? Wass his name?”
21 Dey tell, “Dass King Cesar.”
An he tell, “Kay den, give um to Cesar, wat his, an give to God, wat his!” 22 Wen dey hear dat, dat blow dea mind, an dey go way from dea.
Da Saducee Guys Aks If Peopo
Goin Come Back Alive One Mo Time
(Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40; Rules Secon Time 25:5; Start 38:8; Outa Egypt 3:6, 15-16)
23 Da same day had some Sadducee guys dat go by Jesus. Dis how dey teach: If you mahke, you mahke, you no goin come back alive one mo time. 24 So dey aks him, “Eh, Teacha! Da guy Moses dat give us da Rules From God, he tell, ‘Wen one guy mahke an he no mo kids, his braddah gotta marry da widow, an born kids fo carry da name fo da braddah dat wen mahke.’
25 “Kay den, had seven braddahs ova hea by us guys. Da oldes braddah marry one wahine, den mahke but neva get kids. (Dat mean da wahine goin be his nex braddah wife.) 26 Da nex braddah marry her, an den he mahke, an neva get kids. Da same ting happen to da nex braddah. An dis same ting happen wit all da odda braddahs. An all dem guys neva get kids notting. 27 Den afta dat, da wahine mahke too.
28 “So den, wen da time come wen all da peopo dat wen mahke come back alive, den who goin be her husban? Cuz dey all wen marry her.”
29 Jesus tell um, “Eh, you guys all jam up, you know. Cuz you donno wat da Bible tell from befo time, az why, an you donno da powa God get. 30 Wen da guys dat mahke come back alive one mo time, dey goin be jalike da angel messenja guys in da sky. Dat time, dey no marry. 31 Wot! You guys neva read inside da Bible wat God tell you bout da guys dat goin come back alive afta dey mahke? 32 God tell, ‘I da God fo Abraham, an fo Isaac, an fo Jacob.’ So I tell you guys, he not da God fo da mahke guys dat no mo spirit inside dem. He da God fo Abraham an Isaac an Jacob, dat get one spirit inside dem dat stay alive, no matta dea body mahke.”
33 All da peopo hear him teach dat, an dat blow dea mind.
Da Main Rule
(Mark 12:28-34; Luke 10:25-28; Rules Secon Time 6:5; Prieses 19:18)
34 Wen da Pharisee guys hear dat Jesus wen shut up da Sadducee guys, den all a dem go by Jesus. 35 One teacha dat teach da Rules From God aks him one question fo try trick um. 36 He tell, “Eh, Teacha, from all da Rules God give us, wat one da main one?”
37 Jesus tell um, “Go all out fo show love an aloha fo Da One In Charge, yoa God, an do um wit eryting inside, wit how you feel, an wit how you tink. 38 Dis da firs an mos importan Rule God give. 39 An da nex Rule jalike dat one: ‘Get love an aloha fo da odda guy jalike you get love an aloha fo you.’ 40 All da Rules From God, an eryting da guys dat talk fo God wen tell, come from dese two Rules.”
Da Spesho Guy God Wen Sen,
Whose Boy Him?
(Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44; Songs 110:1)
41 Dat time too, da Pharisee guys come togedda by Jesus, an Jesus tell um, 42 “Wat you guys figga? Da Spesho Guy God Wen Sen, whose boy him?”
Dey tell, “He from King David ohana.”
43 Jesus tell, “Den how come God Spirit tell King David fo call God Spesho Guy ‘Boss’? Cuz David tell,
44 “ ‘Da One In Charge,
He tell my Boss,
“Go come ova hea, sit down!
Dis da importan place by my right side.
Bumbye I goin make da peopo dat go agains you
Go down ova dea in front you,
Fo show dat you da winna ova dem.” ’
45 “Kay den. David call God Spesho Guy ‘Boss,’ aah? Den how he can be David boy, same time?” 46 An da Pharisee guys neva have notting fo tell. From dat time, erybody sked fo aks him odda kine questions.
22:13 22:13: Matt 8:12; 25:30; Luke 13:28 22:23 22:23: JGuys 23:8 22:24 22:24: Rules2 25:5 22:32 22:32: Outa 3:6 22:37 22:37: Rules2 6:5 22:39 22:39: Pries 19:18 22:40 22:40: Luke 10:25-28 22:44 22:44: Songs 110:1