Sk'aneal Jun K'umbalba Jix Oc Bey Jerusalén
Ja' yet jun tiempoal tu', ey wan winaj jix tit bey Judea, catu' jix apni eb bey conob Antioquía, catu' jix c'oli yalon eb tet eb creyente jaxca ti':
—Ta c'am to chi oc jun echele chi yij circuncisión je yin, jaxca yalon sley Moisés, ma jex colcha oj, ẍi eb tet eb.
Jix steele sba naj Pablo c'al Bernabé yetoj eb, pero ma c'al wa'xoj ey yu eb. Yuxan jix yal eb creyente, tol chi to Pablo yetoj Bernabé bey Jerusalén. Catu' jix to pax jaywan oj eb creyente yetoj eb, yu sto k'anab eb yetoj eb ẍejab Jesús c'al eb anciano bey jun iglesia titu'.
Jix chejletoj eb yu eb creyente tu', catu' jix ec' eb bey Fencia yetoj bey Samaria. Jix ec' yalon eb tet eb creyente titu', tol ey eb man Israel oj jix yaoc sc'ul yin Dios. Ja' yet jix yaben jun tu' eb creyente, caw jix tzala a eb masanil. Yet jix apni eb bey Jerusalén tu', jix cha'le apnoj eb yu eb creyente masanil, c'al eb ẍejab Jesús, yetoj c'al eb anciano. Catu' jix yalon eb jantaj masanil tzet jix el c'al yunen Dios yetoj eb. Pero ey jaywan eb fariseo jix yaoc sc'ul yin Cristo. Jix a linan eb snan xol eb, catu' jix yalon eb jaxca ti':
—Ja' eb man Israel oj jix yaoc sc'ul yin Cristo, sowalil chi ak'le circuncidar sba eb. Sowalil chi kal tet eb, tol chi sjije sley Moisés eb, ẍi eb.
Jix syamba oc sba eb ẍejab Jesús yetoj eb anciano tu', catu' chi sna'on eb, tzet watx' chi yun yu jun chi al-le tu'. Ma'ial tax c'al c'oli steelen sba eb xin, catu' jix a linan naj Pedro snan xol eb, catu' jix yalon jaxca ti':
—Jex wuẍtaj, je yotaj xa ta' a', ey xa tiempo jin sic'le can el yu Dios yu walon el sk'aneal yet colbanile tet eb man Israel oj, yet watx' chi yaoc sc'ul eb yin Cristo. Ja' Dios yotaj tzet ey yin spixan jun jun ánima. Yuxan jix yak' Santo Espíritu tet eb man Israel oj tu' jaxca jix yute yak'on e on, yuxan jaxca tu' jix yute x'oxon el oj, tol watx' xa eb yul sat. Ja' yul sat Dios, caw laan xa eb ketoj, yutol ja' jix i'on el spenail eb, yet jix yaon oc Cristo eb yin sc'ul. 10 Ja' tinani' xin, ¿tzet yuxan c'am che yoche che cha' tzet chi yoche chi yun Dios? Jaxca junoj ijatz caw al, c'am chi cu a yalan, quey tu' sley Moisés tu'. Ma ijcha a yu eb kichmam. Catu' ma ijcha pax ku on. Yuxan, ¿tzet yuxan che yoche che yaoc jun tu' yiban eb creyente man Israel oj? 11 Manchej je yute jaxca tu', yutol kotaj sic'lebil, tol asan yu swatx' c'ulal naj Kaawil Jesús chi cu colchai, yuxan quey pax tu' eb man Israel oj tu', ẍi naj Pedro tet eb.
12 Ja' yet jix yaben eb wan ti', catu' jix tz'ini ey masanil eb. Catu' jix yaben eb tzet jix yal Bernabé yetoj Pablo, yet jix yalontej eb tol ec'al milagro jix el yunen Dios yin eb yet jix ec' eb snan xol eb man Israel oj. 13 Yet jix lawi yalon eb tu', catu' jix yalon Jacobo jaxca ti':
—Jex wuẍtaj, ab wej tzet oj wal e ex ti' an. 14 Jix yal naj Simón Pedro e on, tol lalan x'oxon swatx' c'ulal Dios tet eb man Israel oj. Lalan sic'le el eb yu, catu' chi oc eb yetoj Dios. 15 Ja' jun chi el yunen ti', chi ẍa'le sba yetoj tzet tz'ibebil can yu eb ẍejab Dios peyxa, bey chi yal jaxca ti':
16 Oj jin jul yet junoj tiempoal, catu' oj waon can oc jun yic'aal rey David sq'uexel oj yin yopiso.
Yutol jaxca junoj na jix ey q'ueyi, quey tu' yunnaj can yopiso David tu'. Pero oj jin wa'ne junel xa an.
17 Yet watx' ja' eb man Israel oj, oj yaoc sna'bal eb win an, jain Yaaw jin ti' an.
Ja' ton masanil eb sic'bil xa el wu yu yoc wetoj bey jun jun nación an.
18 Quey tu' yutenaj yalon can naj Kaawil, naj jix ak'on kotajne el wan ti' yet tax peyxa, ẍi yul An Juun tu'.*
19 Yuxan chin na' jainti' an, tol manchej ketne eb man Israel oj chi yaoc sc'ul yin Dios. 20 Asanne ojab cu carta chi katoj tet eb, tol manchej xa ẍi eb tzet chi ak'le yin xaambalil tet tzet chi al-le oc diosal. Manchej sbeybalne amulal eb. Manchej xa slo' chic' eb. 21 Chi wal jaxca tu' yutol yet tax peyxa ey eb chi yal el oj bey jun jun snail sculto eb ket Israelal tol pena wan ti'. Ja'c'ala' tinani', chi c'al yal el eb yet jun jun sc'ual xewilal, ẍi Jacobo tet eb.
22 Yuxan jix swa' alne eb ẍejab Jesús, yetoj eb anciano, c'al eb creyente masanil, tol chi sic'le el jaywan oj eb creyente, chi to yetoj Pablo c'al Bernabé bey conob Antioquía. Jix sic'on el Judas eb, naj chi yij pax Barsabás, yetoj Silas. Ja' cawan eb tu', miman yel oc apnoj eb snan xol eb creyente. 23 Ja' eb jix chejletoj to yak' an carta tu'. Jix yal an jaxca ti':
“Jaon anciano jon ti', yetoj eb creyente masanil yetoj jaon ẍejab Jesús jon ti', chi katoj scawil je c'ul jaex, jex man Israel oj a conob Antioquía, yetoj jex a lugar Siria, c'al jex a Cilicia. 24 Jix kabe, tol ey jaywan eb a titi' jix apni bey titu', catu' jix jex yetne eb yetoj tzet chi yala. Tejan ian chi somcha el je c'ul yu eb, yutol chi yal eb jaxca ti': ‘Sowalil chex ak'le circuncidar, sowalil che jije tzet chi yal sley Moisés,’ ẍi eb, chi tz'aj yalon eb. Man jaon oj jix cu chejtoj eb. 25 Yuxan jix cu yamba cu ba, catu' jix cu sic'on el jaywan eb cu xol, yu sto eb e ex tu'. Yaman sto eb yetoj kuẍtaj Bernabé, c'al kuẍtaj Pablo. Ja' cawan eb ti', caw ey cu cam c'ulal yin eb. 26 Jix yilon sya'ilal eb yu c'al Kaawil Jesucristo. Ey bey ian xa c'al jix ak'le cam eb. 27 Ja' ton Judas yetoj Silas oj cu chejtoj e ex tu'. Ja' eb oj toj alon je yabe tzet jix cu wa'ne titi'. 28 Jix cu na' tol yel watx', man ec'al oj chejbanil chi kaltoj e ex, catu' jix ẍa'on pax sc'ul Santo Espíritu ketoj. Yuxan, asan jayeb ti' chi kaltoj e ex sowalil che jije. 29 Manchej je chi' no' chi'be chi ak'le yin xaambalil tet tzet chi al-le oc diosal. Manchej je lo' ẍiq'uil no'. Manchej je chi' no' nok' ey to chic' xol ẍi'beal. Manchej je beybalne amulal. Ta che jije wan ti', watx' chi el je yunen, ch'al tu'. Asan wan ti' chi kaltoj e ex.”
30 Jix chejle c'al toj eb chejabwom tu' xin, jix to eb bey conob Antioquía tu'. Jix apni eb, catu' jix yambale oc eb creyente yu eb, catu' jix yak'on an carta tu' eb tet eb. 31 Caw chi tzala a eb creyente tu' yet jix yaben eb yawtele a an, yutol jix ak'le smimanil sc'ul eb yu an jix yabe. 32 Ja' Dios jix ak'on Judas c'al Silas yal el sk'ane xin, yuxan jix yak' pax smimanil sc'ul eb, eb creyente tu'. Ec'al tzet jix al-le tet eb, yu yiptzele eb creyente titu'. 33 Ja' yet jix ey ec' eb jayeb c'u titu', catu' jix paxtoj eb bey ey ec' eb jix chejontej eb tu'. 34 [Pero ja' naj Silas, jix na'balne el naj scan bey Antioquía tu'.] 35 Jix can to pax can Pablo c'al Bernabé bey jun conob tu', catu' jix cuywa can eb snan xol eb creyente. Jix yalon el sk'ane naj Kaawil eb. Ec'al eb creyente jix cuywa yetoj eb.
Ja' Yet Jix To Naj Pablo Yin Scaelal Yu Yalon El Sk'ane Dios
36 Jix ey ec' eb jayeb c'ual xin catu' jix yalon Pablo tet naj Bernabé jaxca ti':
—Toon kil eb creyente bey jun jun conob bey jix ec' kal el sk'ane naj Kaawil yet sbabelal. Toon kil eb, ta tec'an c'al ye eb, ẍi Pablo tu'.
37 Jix yoche Bernabé, tol chi to naj Juan Marcos yetoj eb. 38 Pero jix sna' naj Pablo tol man smoo oj chi to naj yetoj eb. Yutol ja' yet junel, jix el can a naj yintaj eb bey Panfilia, catu' ma laj yilon yopiso naj yetoj eb. 39 Catu' jix steele a sba eb yu c'al naj. Ma xa ẍa'le sba sk'anab eb. Yuxan, tx'oj tx'oj xa c'al jix to can jun jun eb. Ja' Bernabé jix oc yul barco, jix to bey Chipre. Jix yi' can toj Marcos yetoj. 40 Jal Pablo xin, jix sic' el Silas xol eb creyente, catu' jix to yetoj. Jix ale can oc eb yul sk'ab Dios yu eb creyente titu', catu' jix to eb. 41 Jix ec' eb bey jun lugar chi yij Siria yetoj bey Cilicia. Jix ec' eb yaoc sna'bal eb creyente bey jun jun iglesia.
* 15:18 Amós 9:11, 12